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The Wonder Weeks: A Stress-Free Guide to…

The Wonder Weeks: A Stress-Free Guide to Your Baby's Behavior (édition 2019)

par Xaviera Plooij (Auteur)

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What to expect the first 20 months? Leaps, leaps and more leaps! ten in all. Welcome to the fully-updated and revised 6th edition of the book-with 30% new material-that made "leaps" the buzzword for parents of young children worldwide. Fussy at 5 weeks? Cranky at 19-weeks? Clingy at a year? The baby must be approaching a leap, a time during which new skills are mastered, discoveries are made, and perceptions evolve. For new parents, being able to anticipate predictable fussy phases-and the magic that follows-is a game-changer, courtesy of The Wonder Weeks. With more than 2 million copies sold worldwide, this unique and award-winning guide is based on ground-breaking behavioral research that explains how babies experience 10 magical "leaps" during the first 20 months of life. It reassures parents that fussiness, regression, and wakeful nights are necessary for growth and won't last forever. The new edition includes: Top ten lists of what to expect for each leap Updated charts that map out when to expect the fussy behavior (cranky, clingy, crying), and when it might transition into something positive Checklists with skills and abilities, featuring a minimum and maximum age range, because every baby develops differently Fun games and gentle activities to help soothe the transitions in and beyond leaps Suggestions to help parents cope with their baby's changing behaviours. The Wonder Weeks has a bestselling app, an interactive website, thriving Facebook groups, and "like"-generating social media posts from celebrities, influencers, and everyday parents alike.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:The Wonder Weeks: A Stress-Free Guide to Your Baby's Behavior
Auteurs:Xaviera Plooij (Auteur)
Info:Countryman Press (2019), Edition: 6th, 464 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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The Wonder Weeks: A Stress-Free Guide to Your Baby's Behavior (6th Edition) par Xaviera Plooij


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Yes, I know this book has been disproven several times in several ways. Despite its scientific inaccuracy, I think it's still really really helpful.

As a first-time parent, you don't know what to expect. Should my kid be able to roll over by 1 month? 5 months? Should they be able to react to sound at this point? Be attracted to bright colors? Talk?? If you think you'll be constantly worrying about these kinds of things, then this book is great because it helps you set your own mental expectations. It also helps remind you of things like "your child probably doesn't understand objects exist yet". Personally, it helped me relax and kept me from overthinking and overworrying my child's development.

Can it actually tell you which weeks your child will be fussy? No. But it's really comforting when it happens to line up and you can say "oh, this'll just be for a week, then we can relax". It helps reassure you that you're not doing anything wrong, it's just the kid trying to make sense of the world in new ways. And, again, also great for giving you perspective and giving you a very rough roadmap of when to expect different developmental milestones. ( )
  nimishg | Apr 12, 2023 |
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What to expect the first 20 months? Leaps, leaps and more leaps! ten in all. Welcome to the fully-updated and revised 6th edition of the book-with 30% new material-that made "leaps" the buzzword for parents of young children worldwide. Fussy at 5 weeks? Cranky at 19-weeks? Clingy at a year? The baby must be approaching a leap, a time during which new skills are mastered, discoveries are made, and perceptions evolve. For new parents, being able to anticipate predictable fussy phases-and the magic that follows-is a game-changer, courtesy of The Wonder Weeks. With more than 2 million copies sold worldwide, this unique and award-winning guide is based on ground-breaking behavioral research that explains how babies experience 10 magical "leaps" during the first 20 months of life. It reassures parents that fussiness, regression, and wakeful nights are necessary for growth and won't last forever. The new edition includes: Top ten lists of what to expect for each leap Updated charts that map out when to expect the fussy behavior (cranky, clingy, crying), and when it might transition into something positive Checklists with skills and abilities, featuring a minimum and maximum age range, because every baby develops differently Fun games and gentle activities to help soothe the transitions in and beyond leaps Suggestions to help parents cope with their baby's changing behaviours. The Wonder Weeks has a bestselling app, an interactive website, thriving Facebook groups, and "like"-generating social media posts from celebrities, influencers, and everyday parents alike.

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