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How to Starve Cancer

par Jane McLelland

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After being given a terminal diagnosis with only a few weeks to live, Jane McLelland dug up research, some decades old, in her quest to survive. Rather than aiming to cure cancer, which in many cases is unachievable, Jane's approach was to stop it growing. Remarkably her approach not only stopped it growing, it disappeared altogether. There are now clinics following her protocol, achieving remarkable successes. An international publishing sensation, this inspirational listen is updated with a new Metro Map, Jane's unique and revolutionary route map to starving cancer. A glossary and index is also included. Written in two sections, Jane intertwines her remarkable life story of terminal cancer to full recovery, describing how she discovered a unique cocktail of off label drugs (drugs usually prescribed for other conditions) and supplements that effectively starve the cancer stem cell, the cell left behind by conventional treatment. Treatment for the stem cell is hailed as the Holy Grail, so this book plugs the missing piece into why we do not have a cure for cancer. Lead cancer researchers at top oncology centers are now using this book as a guide, and Jane has a huge following of tens of thousands on Facebook. Testimonials abound from happy and delighted recovered patients and from oncologists who use her methods.… (plus d'informations)

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Nom de l'auteurRôleType d'auteurŒuvre ?Statut
Jane McLellandauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Yu, George W.Avant-proposauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
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For my long-suffering husband Andrew,

And to Jamie and Sam,

the beautiful bright rays of sunshine in my life.
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I was supposed to die.
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DDC/MDS canonique
LCC canonique

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After being given a terminal diagnosis with only a few weeks to live, Jane McLelland dug up research, some decades old, in her quest to survive. Rather than aiming to cure cancer, which in many cases is unachievable, Jane's approach was to stop it growing. Remarkably her approach not only stopped it growing, it disappeared altogether. There are now clinics following her protocol, achieving remarkable successes. An international publishing sensation, this inspirational listen is updated with a new Metro Map, Jane's unique and revolutionary route map to starving cancer. A glossary and index is also included. Written in two sections, Jane intertwines her remarkable life story of terminal cancer to full recovery, describing how she discovered a unique cocktail of off label drugs (drugs usually prescribed for other conditions) and supplements that effectively starve the cancer stem cell, the cell left behind by conventional treatment. Treatment for the stem cell is hailed as the Holy Grail, so this book plugs the missing piece into why we do not have a cure for cancer. Lead cancer researchers at top oncology centers are now using this book as a guide, and Jane has a huge following of tens of thousands on Facebook. Testimonials abound from happy and delighted recovered patients and from oncologists who use her methods.

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