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From author, Mark Wayne McGinnis, who brought you the hit series, Scrapyard Ship and Tapped In, comes a new and exciting new science fiction saga and the rise of the most unlikely new hero.Seventeen-year-old Collin Frost, the kicker for the Lone Stars high school football team, was not enjoying the bus ride back to the school after a game that hadn't gone so well. The ride was made worse for him when Bubba, the team's defensive tackle, decided Collin should sit in the aisle instead of the seat next to him. That's why when the bus pulled to a stop at a railway crossing in a small town in Middleton Texas, Collin didn't actually see what the bus driver, the cheerleaders, and his teammates saw ... a hovering, goliath-sized space ship.And here the journey of the Lone Star Renegades begins. Abducted into the belly of a sim rover collector ship, sent from a distant galaxy, the Lone Stars must find a way to survive long enough to escape their deathly confines. When that escape finally does come, the teenagers find themselves twenty-three light years from Earth and smack dap in the middle of an interstellar war. Young and irreverent, the Lone Stars must bargain with the Brotherhood forces for passage back to Earth--a bargain that would require them to complete a military basic training program and inevitably have them fight against Brotherhood's enemies for the duration of one year.… (plus d'informations)

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From author, Mark Wayne McGinnis, who brought you the hit series, Scrapyard Ship and Tapped In, comes a new and exciting new science fiction saga and the rise of the most unlikely new hero.Seventeen-year-old Collin Frost, the kicker for the Lone Stars high school football team, was not enjoying the bus ride back to the school after a game that hadn't gone so well. The ride was made worse for him when Bubba, the team's defensive tackle, decided Collin should sit in the aisle instead of the seat next to him. That's why when the bus pulled to a stop at a railway crossing in a small town in Middleton Texas, Collin didn't actually see what the bus driver, the cheerleaders, and his teammates saw ... a hovering, goliath-sized space ship.And here the journey of the Lone Star Renegades begins. Abducted into the belly of a sim rover collector ship, sent from a distant galaxy, the Lone Stars must find a way to survive long enough to escape their deathly confines. When that escape finally does come, the teenagers find themselves twenty-three light years from Earth and smack dap in the middle of an interstellar war. Young and irreverent, the Lone Stars must bargain with the Brotherhood forces for passage back to Earth--a bargain that would require them to complete a military basic training program and inevitably have them fight against Brotherhood's enemies for the duration of one year.

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