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Le Vol des scarpassons

par Annie Bacon

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"A second silence is established. The sun sets slowly, shimmering under its rays a thousand shades orange on the boy's black skin. His protector would let him go to his contemplation, but guilt gnawed at her. After all, is she not responsible for her obsession? When she found him on the beach, this new shipwrecked call her mother, inconsolable. The girl told him that the sea sometimes brought back to the surface of the water some debris from a stranded ship. Within days of their respective shipwrecks, the islanders had all found a valuable object, sometimes even several. Proud, she had even shown her treasure to her: a faceted crystal, creator of rainbows when the object is exposed to the sun. This time, the mocking sea is selfish: the new arrival is waiting, the hands still empty and the heart so heavy."--… (plus d'informations)
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"A second silence is established. The sun sets slowly, shimmering under its rays a thousand shades orange on the boy's black skin. His protector would let him go to his contemplation, but guilt gnawed at her. After all, is she not responsible for her obsession? When she found him on the beach, this new shipwrecked call her mother, inconsolable. The girl told him that the sea sometimes brought back to the surface of the water some debris from a stranded ship. Within days of their respective shipwrecks, the islanders had all found a valuable object, sometimes even several. Proud, she had even shown her treasure to her: a faceted crystal, creator of rainbows when the object is exposed to the sun. This time, the mocking sea is selfish: the new arrival is waiting, the hands still empty and the heart so heavy."--

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