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Birds of Eastern Canada 2nd Edition

par DK

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The ultimate photographic guide to over 350 birds species found in eastern Canada, ideal for bird watchers of all ages. Updated in this 2nd edition to reflect the latest taxonomic data, Birds of Eastern Canada is the complete guide to 354 species of birds found east of the 100th Meridian in Canada, including the most common species and rare birds. Perfect for both dedicated and casual bird watchers, this regional guide includes stunning full-color photographs revealing individual species with unrivaled clarity. The 330 most commonly seen birds are given full-page profiles with readable accounts detailing notable characteristics and information on everything from behavior and habitat to nest construction and conservation status. Each profile also features diagrams of flight patterns and statistics of size, wingspan and lifespan. Information on similar birds is provided to make differentiation easy, from game birds and waterfowl to shorebirds and swifts, to owls, wood warblers, finches, and more. Written by a team of more than 30 birders and ornithologists with expertise in particular species or families, and produced in association with David M. Bird, Emeritus Professor of Wildlife Biology at McGill University, this updated edition of Birds of Eastern Canada… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté parMaryEileen, bung

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The ultimate photographic guide to over 350 birds species found in eastern Canada, ideal for bird watchers of all ages. Updated in this 2nd edition to reflect the latest taxonomic data, Birds of Eastern Canada is the complete guide to 354 species of birds found east of the 100th Meridian in Canada, including the most common species and rare birds. Perfect for both dedicated and casual bird watchers, this regional guide includes stunning full-color photographs revealing individual species with unrivaled clarity. The 330 most commonly seen birds are given full-page profiles with readable accounts detailing notable characteristics and information on everything from behavior and habitat to nest construction and conservation status. Each profile also features diagrams of flight patterns and statistics of size, wingspan and lifespan. Information on similar birds is provided to make differentiation easy, from game birds and waterfowl to shorebirds and swifts, to owls, wood warblers, finches, and more. Written by a team of more than 30 birders and ornithologists with expertise in particular species or families, and produced in association with David M. Bird, Emeritus Professor of Wildlife Biology at McGill University, this updated edition of Birds of Eastern Canada

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