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Genealogist's Guide to Getting Organized par…

Genealogist's Guide to Getting Organized (édition 2024)

par Family Tree Magazine (Auteur)

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Have mountains of photos, records and other family history materials? Do you ever struggle to remember where you put your great-grandmother's birth certificate or your grandparents' marriage license? Even the most dedicated genealogists can end up drowning in a sea of research. Getting (and staying) organized in your ancestry quest is crucial to your success, and this book has tips from seasoned family historians on how to more efficiently organize your hard-earned research.  ...Inside, you'll find:...Ways to minimize your research clutter...Tips on digitizing your photos and records...Helpful how-tos for organizing your computer to easily locate files...Strategies for creating research plans and logs, which can help you have more efficient research sessions...Forms to help you organize and record your family research and heirlooms...Here are some of the ways you'll learn to be more organized in a Genealogist's Guide to Getting Organized:...Keep clear records of your interviews, especially of who you are interviewing and when....To reduce your clutter, consider making your research paperless by scanning important photos and documents and uploading them to your hard drive....Keep a detailed log of what you have learned in each research session and from where you got the information....… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Genealogist's Guide to Getting Organized
Auteurs:Family Tree Magazine (Auteur)
Info:Yankee Publishing Inc (2024), 106 pages
Collections:History, Genealogy Books, Votre bibliothèque

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Genealogist's Guide to Getting Organized par Family Tree Magazine

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Have mountains of photos, records and other family history materials? Do you ever struggle to remember where you put your great-grandmother's birth certificate or your grandparents' marriage license? Even the most dedicated genealogists can end up drowning in a sea of research. Getting (and staying) organized in your ancestry quest is crucial to your success, and this book has tips from seasoned family historians on how to more efficiently organize your hard-earned research.  ...Inside, you'll find:...Ways to minimize your research clutter...Tips on digitizing your photos and records...Helpful how-tos for organizing your computer to easily locate files...Strategies for creating research plans and logs, which can help you have more efficient research sessions...Forms to help you organize and record your family research and heirlooms...Here are some of the ways you'll learn to be more organized in a Genealogist's Guide to Getting Organized:...Keep clear records of your interviews, especially of who you are interviewing and when....To reduce your clutter, consider making your research paperless by scanning important photos and documents and uploading them to your hard drive....Keep a detailed log of what you have learned in each research session and from where you got the information....

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