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The Girl on the Beach

par Tracy Buchanan

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'I loved this book There were so many secrets... I never expected the ending and would have never guessed. I honestly never saw that coming... Amazing... I was captivated from the very beginning until the last page.' Goodreads reviewer, 5 starsThe girl is freezing. Amber instinctively pulls her close, willing her own warmth to seep into her fragile body. 'Why can't I remember anything?' the girl asks.The girl on the beach has no recollection of who she is, or what she is doing there. She is clutching a notebook, filled with stories and pictures she can't recognise.Amber Caulfield finds and takes her in, unsettling a loneliness built by bitter losses. A childhood accident robbed her of three fingers. Her daughter was taken by a tragic illness. And her marriage didn't survive her daughter's death.Ever since, she's felt empty. But the day she finds the teenage girl wandering barefoot and confused along the frozen beach of Winterton Chine, everything changes. As Amber feels her maternal instinct reawaken to help the girl, something that feels a tiny bit like hope flickers inside her-- for the first time in years.But who is the girl on the beach? Where is she from? And what led her to Amber, and this particular beach, on the coldest day of the year?The Girl on the Beach is a gripping emotional thriller from the bestselling author of My Sister's Secret. It explores the heartbreak of loss, the truth about family secrets, and the powerful repercussions of seeking the truth about who you really are. Perfect for fans of Emily Bleeker, Kerry Lonsdale and Kerry Fisher.… (plus d'informations)

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'I loved this book There were so many secrets... I never expected the ending and would have never guessed. I honestly never saw that coming... Amazing... I was captivated from the very beginning until the last page.' Goodreads reviewer, 5 starsThe girl is freezing. Amber instinctively pulls her close, willing her own warmth to seep into her fragile body. 'Why can't I remember anything?' the girl asks.The girl on the beach has no recollection of who she is, or what she is doing there. She is clutching a notebook, filled with stories and pictures she can't recognise.Amber Caulfield finds and takes her in, unsettling a loneliness built by bitter losses. A childhood accident robbed her of three fingers. Her daughter was taken by a tragic illness. And her marriage didn't survive her daughter's death.Ever since, she's felt empty. But the day she finds the teenage girl wandering barefoot and confused along the frozen beach of Winterton Chine, everything changes. As Amber feels her maternal instinct reawaken to help the girl, something that feels a tiny bit like hope flickers inside her-- for the first time in years.But who is the girl on the beach? Where is she from? And what led her to Amber, and this particular beach, on the coldest day of the year?The Girl on the Beach is a gripping emotional thriller from the bestselling author of My Sister's Secret. It explores the heartbreak of loss, the truth about family secrets, and the powerful repercussions of seeking the truth about who you really are. Perfect for fans of Emily Bleeker, Kerry Lonsdale and Kerry Fisher.

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