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The Wedding Party par Jasmine Guillory

The Wedding Party (édition 2019)

par Jasmine Guillory (Auteur)

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
6863134,840 (3.61)10
Fiction. Literature. Romance. HTML:As seen on The Today Show! 

The new exhilarating New York Times bestselling romance from the author of The Proposal, 
Reese Witherspoon x Hello Sunshine Book Club Pick!
Maddie and Theo have two things in common:
1. Alexa is their best friend
2. They hate each other

After an oops, we made a mistake night together, neither one can stop thinking about the other. With Alexa's wedding rapidly approaching, Maddie and Theo both share bridal party responsibilities that require more interaction with each other than they're comfortable with. Underneath the sharp barbs they toss at each other is a simmering attraction that won't fade. It builds until they find themselves sneaking off together to release some tension when Alexa isn't looking, agreeing they would end it once the wedding is over. When its suddenly pushed up and they only have a few months left of secret rendezvouses, they find themselves regretting that the end is near. Two people this different cant possibly have a connection other than the purely physical, right?
But as with any engagement with a nemesis, there are unspoken rules that must be abided by. First and foremost, don't fall in love.
… (plus d'informations)
Titre:The Wedding Party
Auteurs:Jasmine Guillory (Auteur)
Info:Berkley (2019), 352 pages
Collections:Library E-Books

Information sur l'oeuvre

The Wedding Party par Jasmine Guillory


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» Voir aussi les 10 mentions

Affichage de 1-5 de 31 (suivant | tout afficher)
Am I still reading romance? Yes.. This was such a cute and fluffy read. I, generally, am not an enemies to lovers fan, but this was well done and the tension was just right. Would highly recommend, as a stand alone book, if you have no intention of reading the ones before this. ( )
  Donnela | Apr 30, 2024 |
The year of the romance novel continues for me. I can’t seem to concentrate on anything else. Anyway, this one was disappointing for me. Maybe because I read two by this author back to back?

Giving this 2 stars for “Just OK”

This one was fine but seemed more sex than romance and I prefer the balance to be flipped the other way. Romance novels work best for me when I fall in love with one of the characters and I just didn’t really care about either of these two. Even when I tried to channel all my love for Randall Peterson into Theo it didn’t really help.

I really enjoy the interconnected cast of her books and it makes me want to go back and reread the ones I’ve finished already. ( )
  hmonkeyreads | Jan 25, 2024 |
I love that we're working our way through the circle of friends but the "rules" aspect of each relationship getting off the ground is getting meh. ( )
  hellokirsti | Jan 3, 2024 |
Enemies to lovers, love it. Really cute, though I think I would've gotten more out of it if I'd read this sooner after [b:The Wedding Date|33815781|The Wedding Date (The Wedding Date, #1)|Jasmine Guillory||54728554] to connect references with regards to Alexa's life at the periphery of this story. Luckily for me, I checked out this and the next to Guillory books together so I can read them in a row for fresh details. ( )
  Daumari | Dec 28, 2023 |
More like 3.75 stars. This was a lot more enjoyable than The Proposal. I liked both characters and enjoyed seeing their progression. ( )
  DramPan | Sep 6, 2023 |
Affichage de 1-5 de 31 (suivant | tout afficher)
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Jasmine Guilloryauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Chen, VikkiCover art & designauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé

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To my sister, Sasha Guillory, who always listens to my dreams.
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Maddie Forest didn't want to go to this birthday party.
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Fiction. Literature. Romance. HTML:As seen on The Today Show! 

The new exhilarating New York Times bestselling romance from the author of The Proposal, 
Reese Witherspoon x Hello Sunshine Book Club Pick!
Maddie and Theo have two things in common:
1. Alexa is their best friend
2. They hate each other

After an oops, we made a mistake night together, neither one can stop thinking about the other. With Alexa's wedding rapidly approaching, Maddie and Theo both share bridal party responsibilities that require more interaction with each other than they're comfortable with. Underneath the sharp barbs they toss at each other is a simmering attraction that won't fade. It builds until they find themselves sneaking off together to release some tension when Alexa isn't looking, agreeing they would end it once the wedding is over. When its suddenly pushed up and they only have a few months left of secret rendezvouses, they find themselves regretting that the end is near. Two people this different cant possibly have a connection other than the purely physical, right?
But as with any engagement with a nemesis, there are unspoken rules that must be abided by. First and foremost, don't fall in love.

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