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The Turn of the Key par Ruth Ware

The Turn of the Key (édition 2019)

par Ruth Ware (Auteur)

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2,9441764,962 (3.8)101
"From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of In a Dark, Dark Wood, The Woman in Cabin 10, The Lying Game, and The Death of Mrs. Westaway comes Ruth Ware's highly anticipated fifth novel. When she stumbles across the ad, she's looking for something else completely. But it seems like too good an opportunity to miss--a live-in nannying post, with a staggeringly generous salary. And when Rowan Caine arrives at Heatherbrae House, she is smitten--by the luxurious "smart" home fitted out with all modern conveniences, by the beautiful Scottish Highlands, and by this picture-perfect family. What she doesn't know is that she's stepping into a nightmare--one that will end with a child dead and herself in prison awaiting trial for murder. Writing to her lawyer from prison, she struggles to explain the unravelling events that led to her incarceration. It wasn't just the constant surveillance from the cameras installed around the house, or the malfunctioning technology that woke the household with booming music, or turned the lights off at the worst possible time. It wasn't just the girls, who turned out to be a far cry from the immaculately behaved model children she met at her interview. It wasn't even the way she was left alone for weeks at a time, with no adults around apart from the enigmatic handyman, Jack Grant. It was everything. She knows she's made mistakes. She admits that she lied to obtain the post, and that her behavior toward the children wasn't always ideal. She's not innocent, by any means. But, she maintains, she's not guilty--at least not of murder. Which means someone else is. Full of spellbinding menace and told in Ruth Ware's signature suspenseful style, The Turn of the Key is an unputdownable thriller from the Agatha Christie of our time"--… (plus d'informations)
Titre:The Turn of the Key
Auteurs:Ruth Ware (Auteur)
Info:Gallery/Scout Press (2019), 352 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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The Turn of the Key par Ruth Ware


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I almost didn’t pick this up, as I didn’t like “The Woman in Cabin 10” very much. I’m glad I gave this author another chance! It was what I needed this week, frankly. The atmosphere was fantastic, I couldn’t stop turning the pages, and the setting of a “Victorian/modern” home was perfect for me, as I absolutely loathe modern trendy home decor. Cement tabletop? Ew.

Anyway, I hated the excessive cussing and especially the Lord’s name taken in vain, which happened a lot towards the end. There was also a needless fornication scene that made me roll my eyes more than anything. It’s just so unoriginal and tiresome that EVERY BOOK needs this stuff. It could have easily been a kiss, but you just HAVE to put the bit of smut in, or something.

Lots of loose ends at the end, a couple silly details, but goodness was it a fun read. Also, may have to research poison gardens now.

Worth a read, especially if you like haunted house tales, or just need to get lost for a few pleasant hours.

Also of note: I didn’t find Rowan very likeable, but I felt I could relate to her - always a bit of a thrill to read about someone caring for children and being interrupted every thirty seconds WHILE caring for children (and being interrupted every thirty seconds). ( )
  stefanielozinski | Aug 17, 2024 |
Ruth Ware appears to have been inspired by "The Turn of the Screw," a Henry James story about a high-strung governess who may have committed murder. Ware gives it a twenty-first-century spin in her thriller, "The Turn of the Key." Rowan Caine leaves London for a high-paying job as a live-in nanny who will care for three girls, ages eight, five, and eighteen months. Rowan's employers, Bill and Sandra Elincourt, are busy architects whose high-tech smart house (controllable via an app), is located in the Scottish Highlands. It will not take long for the heroine to suspect that she may have accepted this position too hastily.

Ware masterfully creates an unnerving atmosphere that, as the days pass, becomes increasingly unsettling. Rowan's necklace inexplicably vanishes, the electronics in the house go haywire in the middle of the night, and the nanny is kept awake by footsteps that seem to originate from an empty space above her bedroom. Bill and Sandra are away on business, so Rowan is thrown into a distressing situation with little preparation. The kids are irascible if not downright nasty at times, and Rowan is annoyed by the ridiculously complicated instructions that Sandra leaves behind in a two-hundred-and-fifty-page binder.

The author keeps us guessing by throwing in numerous red herrings that may or may not be significant. Poor Rowan is, for the most part, left to her own devices, but at least she receives occasional help from a hunky handyman and a part-time housekeeper. In the concluding chapters, Ware goes overboard with no fewer than five twists that require a sizable suspension of disbelief. Nevertheless, in spite of the finale's implausibility and ambiguity--significant questions remain unanswered--we care about this desperate woman who narrates her story from a jail cell. Ware deserves high marks for her smoothly written prose, lively dialogue, vivid imagination, and a wild ending that few readers will see coming.
( )
  booklover1801 | Aug 9, 2024 |
Another phenomenal, twisty tale from Ruth Ware! ( )
  kdegour23 | May 29, 2024 |
sucks ( )
  chip1o1 | May 23, 2024 |
Lots of tension and twists to the very end. ( )
  caanderson | Apr 8, 2024 |
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Nom de l'auteurRôleType d'auteurŒuvre ?Statut
Ware, Ruthauteur principaltoutes les éditionsconfirmé
Church, ImogenNarrateurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Esquié, HéloiseTraducteurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Mogford, DanConcepteur de la couvertureauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé

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For Ian,
with more love than I know
how to put into words
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3rd September 2017

Dear Mr. Wrexham,
I know you don't know me but please, please, please you have to help me
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"From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of In a Dark, Dark Wood, The Woman in Cabin 10, The Lying Game, and The Death of Mrs. Westaway comes Ruth Ware's highly anticipated fifth novel. When she stumbles across the ad, she's looking for something else completely. But it seems like too good an opportunity to miss--a live-in nannying post, with a staggeringly generous salary. And when Rowan Caine arrives at Heatherbrae House, she is smitten--by the luxurious "smart" home fitted out with all modern conveniences, by the beautiful Scottish Highlands, and by this picture-perfect family. What she doesn't know is that she's stepping into a nightmare--one that will end with a child dead and herself in prison awaiting trial for murder. Writing to her lawyer from prison, she struggles to explain the unravelling events that led to her incarceration. It wasn't just the constant surveillance from the cameras installed around the house, or the malfunctioning technology that woke the household with booming music, or turned the lights off at the worst possible time. It wasn't just the girls, who turned out to be a far cry from the immaculately behaved model children she met at her interview. It wasn't even the way she was left alone for weeks at a time, with no adults around apart from the enigmatic handyman, Jack Grant. It was everything. She knows she's made mistakes. She admits that she lied to obtain the post, and that her behavior toward the children wasn't always ideal. She's not innocent, by any means. But, she maintains, she's not guilty--at least not of murder. Which means someone else is. Full of spellbinding menace and told in Ruth Ware's signature suspenseful style, The Turn of the Key is an unputdownable thriller from the Agatha Christie of our time"--

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