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Hitler's U-boat War par Clay Blair

Hitler's U-boat War (édition 1999)

par Clay Blair

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Blair, who served in submarines in combat during World War II, chronicles the U-Boat war with authority, fidelity, objectivity and extraordinary detail. His work is based on the official records released by Britain and the US since the 1980s.
Titre:Hitler's U-boat War
Auteurs:Clay Blair
Info:Weidenfeld and Nicolson (1999), Hardcover, 864 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

Information sur l'oeuvre

Hitler's U-Boat War: The Hunters, 1939-1942 par Clay Blair


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Great book. My ebook edition ran to 2276 pages. It is NOT the paperback edition. ( )
  graeme.bell3 | Dec 25, 2021 |
Of the many battles that made up the Second World War, the Battle of the Atlantic was arguably the most important of them. It was through the clash between German U-boats and Allied convoys that the question was resolved of whether Nazi Germany could defeat Great Britain by strangling her trade and cut off the Allies from access to the vast resources of the United States. Had the Germans triumphed, there would have been no Lend-Lease convoys to Great Britain and Russia and no Allied invasion of continental Europe. Victory might still have come for the Allies in Europe, but it would only have been after a much longer and far more debilitating struggle.

The prominence of the naval war in the Atlantic has ensured that there is no shortage of books available about it. Yet Clay Blair’s two-volume study of the Kriegsmarine’s U-boat campaign ranks among the best of them, for a number of reasons. Foremost among them is the depth of research Blair undertook, as he drew upon the massive amount of both German and Allied archival material to reconstruct the conflict. He also benefited from the revelations about the role Allied codebreaking from the 1970s onward, which was a critically important aspect of the battle excluded from earlier accounts of it. Blair employs all of this with a firsthand understanding of submarine warfare drawn from his experience in the United States Navy during the war, which gives him a perspective too-often missing from other histories.

Blair uses these elements to construct a remarkable account of the fighting. After a prologue describing the rebuilding of Germany’s submarine arm in the interwar period, Blair covers the various campaigns waged by the U-boats during the war. This he does systematically, summarizing the various deployments of each U-boat and their success (or lack thereof) in attacking and sinking Allied shipping. In this process he creates a sense of a naval battle that unfolded much like a ground campaign, with both sides engaging in moves and responding in turn with countermoves in a fluid and ongoing contest for dominance. Blair also places all of this within the context of the larger war underway, showing how leaders on both sides viewed the campaigns in the Atlantic, and how the decisions they made influenced events within it.

Using this approach, Blair challenges many longstanding misconceptions about the war. Foremost among them is the view of that the German campaign ever seriously jeopardized the Allied war effort Throughout the book Blair repeatedly stresses the limited scope of the campaign, with the small number of U-boats facing an enormous task. Even at their peak, the U-boats were nowhere close to cutting off the British, nor were they able to sink Allied shipping faster than the Allies (through confiscation and construction) were able to replace it. Thus, while ships were torpedoed and men died, it was more of a nuisance than a true threat to the Allied military machine, leaving Blair to question Winston Churchill’s pessimism about the U-boat “peril.”

Another one that Blair tackles head-on is the claim that American naval leaders did not take seriously the U-boat attacks on the East Coast during the first half of 1942. Here he stakes himself out as a stout defender of Ernest King, the controversial head of the U.S. Navy during the war. Blair points out that as commander of U.S. naval forces in the Atlantic prior to Pearl Harbor King was already employing the convoy system and was well aware of his benefits. What inhibited him from doing so with coastal shipping once Karl Donitz launched Operation Drumbeat was not any skepticism about the efficacy of convoys but a lack of escorts with which to defend them. As American shipyards rose to the challenge, King implemented them, which went a long way towards ending the second “Happy Time” of U-boat successes.

Blair makes his arguments through a combination of clearheaded analysis and the weight of his evidence. This can make his text a little repetitive at times, yet the sheer amount of detail had its own fascination. It helps that Blair is a skilled writer able to apply his years as a journalist to make his case through clear and unadorned prose. It’s for these reasons that his book, along with its successor volume, Hitler's U-Boat War: The Hunted, 1942-1945, remain the definitive work on the Battle of the Atlantic, one that is unlikely to be bettered thanks to a perspective borne of the author’s combination of assiduous archival labor with his personal experience with commerce warfare during the Second World War. ( )
  MacDad | May 28, 2021 |
Of its type, superb. The detail, not least in the appendices, is astonishing and the story around the information presented is pretty well told.

A must to have on the bookshelf of any naval or WWII historian.

That said he's obviously a King fan! ( )
  expatscot | Feb 12, 2021 |
Hitlerova ponorková válka, jejíž sepsání zabralo devět let, je předurčena tomu, aby se stala úplným popisem německé ponorkové války proti Spojencům, Bitvy o Atlantik.
  guano | Feb 4, 2017 |
This is the first part on U-Boats of World War II by Clay Blair. [b:Hitler's U-Boat War: The Hunted, 1942-1945|118679|Hitler's U-Boat War The Hunted, 1942-1945 (Modern Library War)|Clay Blair Jr.||114254] is the second part where the "hunters" became the "hunted".

If you want to read a definitive account on U-Boats, these two volumes would be it. ( )
1 voter Veeralpadhiar | Mar 31, 2013 |
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Wikipédia en anglais (141)

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Blair, who served in submarines in combat during World War II, chronicles the U-Boat war with authority, fidelity, objectivity and extraordinary detail. His work is based on the official records released by Britain and the US since the 1980s.

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