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Girl Stop Apologizing - Target Exclusive par…

Girl Stop Apologizing - Target Exclusive (édition 2019)

par Rachel Hollis (Auteur)

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8881725,158 (3.55)2
"'I believe we can change the world. But first, we've got to stop living in fear of being judged for who we are.' Rachel Hollis has seen it too often: women not living into their full potential. They feel a tugging on their hearts for something more, but they're afraid of embarrassment, of falling short of perfection, of not being enough. In [this book], bestselling author and founder of a multimillion-dollar media company Rachel Hollis sounds a wake-up call. She knows that many women have been taught to define themselves in light of other people--whether as wife, mother, daughter, or employee--instead of learning how to own who they are and what they want. With a challenge to women everywhere to stop talking themselves out of their dreams, Hollis identifies the excuses to let go of, the behaviors to adopt, and the skills to acquire on the path to growth, confidence, and believing in yourself."--Dust jacket.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Girl Stop Apologizing - Target Exclusive
Auteurs:Rachel Hollis (Auteur)
Info:Harpercollins Leadership (2019), 256 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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Girl, Stop Apologizing: A Shame-Free Plan for Embracing and Achieving Your Goals par Rachel Hollis


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» Voir aussi les 2 mentions

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Rachel Hollis is my new best friend. I must have been living under a rock, because I'd never heard of her before her previous book, "Girl, Wash Your Face" (which I haven't yet read) exploded to the top of the New York Times Bestseller list.

I absolutely loved her take on female ambition and guilt-free parenting. I, too, work hard to run a successful business while being an exceptional wife and mother. And while I believe "balance" is a myth, I do think we can have it all. We just need to be aware that our priorities will shift from day to day.

I adore how unapologetic Rachel is about her lifestyle -- and the way her decisions and dreams feed her soul. That's a level of freedom I aspire to as well. I'm so delighted to have found this book. I highlighted the heck out of it! ( )
  Elizabeth_Cooper | Oct 27, 2023 |
I've never been keen on self-help books. Tbh, the title intrigued me and I went in as I wanted to just give it a try. I consider myself to be a motivated and a strong person. Not only has this book made me realise that the above things are absolutely true but also that I'm wasting those gifts I have. I now positively want to become more organised and use my time wisely because one take back for me from the book along with several other wonderful things is that, I have it in me and I just have to be willing to put in hardwork towards achieving my goals. One other thing I want to mention is how she talks about the phrase - ' Girl Boss' and urges us to think about why should we add the prefix girl to boss even when boss is a unisexual word. That emphasis is something that crossed my mind but I still went with. Now, I will stop to correct people who use prefixes to gender neutral terms in order to make them specific for women. It's absolutely wrong! And we all need to avoid it. ( )
  AnrMarri | Aug 1, 2023 |
There is a lot of good advice in this book. I flipped between really appreciating her style and the feeling of someone rubbing fur the wrong way. I like her unapologetic style and her message. I don't agree with all of it, but I do appreciate her vibrancy and stance behind how she sees things. It's also wonderful to see a woman putting herself first and her views out there for others to follow. She's definitely paving a path and I will take some of what I read to heart.

I would recommend this book. Take what you need, but don't get hung up if not everything rings true for you. ( )
  ArcherKel | Aug 17, 2022 |
Inspirational blueprint for success. I already practice a lot of what she preaches. I only needed a reminder of my inherent "enoughness" to recharge my confidence and enthusiasm on this 10-10-1 journey. ( )
  AngelaLam | Feb 8, 2022 |
This is not the book for everyone but its not bad. Go into it though knowing that she is an attractive, wealthy, white woman in America and that you can follow what she says but maybe just scale things so they fit your own circumstances.

( )
  AlexM12345 | Jan 5, 2022 |
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"'I believe we can change the world. But first, we've got to stop living in fear of being judged for who we are.' Rachel Hollis has seen it too often: women not living into their full potential. They feel a tugging on their hearts for something more, but they're afraid of embarrassment, of falling short of perfection, of not being enough. In [this book], bestselling author and founder of a multimillion-dollar media company Rachel Hollis sounds a wake-up call. She knows that many women have been taught to define themselves in light of other people--whether as wife, mother, daughter, or employee--instead of learning how to own who they are and what they want. With a challenge to women everywhere to stop talking themselves out of their dreams, Hollis identifies the excuses to let go of, the behaviors to adopt, and the skills to acquire on the path to growth, confidence, and believing in yourself."--Dust jacket.

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