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Fiction. Romance. HTML:

My name is Bristol Mateo, and I am the tour manager for the #1 rock band, Cycle of Sin. It takes a lot to keep a band of five rockstars on schedule, but I've been doing it for just over two years now.
As a new tour begins, I find myself confused over what happened after a night of partying between shows. The kiss from each of them is laced with enough power to destroy me, and my mind is riddled with guilt over the things I feel for them individually.
Dean, Evan, Hunter, Sebastian, and Austin heat my body in ways that are deemed immoral. As we tour across the world, I find myself falling for each of them equally. When they vow their hearts to me as one, I realize I am meant to be loved by them all.
I belong to Cycle of Sin, and Cycle of Sin belongs to me.
***Warning...5 rockstars and 1 female....The possibilities are endless.

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Fiction. Romance. HTML:

My name is Bristol Mateo, and I am the tour manager for the #1 rock band, Cycle of Sin. It takes a lot to keep a band of five rockstars on schedule, but I've been doing it for just over two years now.
As a new tour begins, I find myself confused over what happened after a night of partying between shows. The kiss from each of them is laced with enough power to destroy me, and my mind is riddled with guilt over the things I feel for them individually.
Dean, Evan, Hunter, Sebastian, and Austin heat my body in ways that are deemed immoral. As we tour across the world, I find myself falling for each of them equally. When they vow their hearts to me as one, I realize I am meant to be loved by them all.
I belong to Cycle of Sin, and Cycle of Sin belongs to me.
***Warning...5 rockstars and 1 female....The possibilities are endless.


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