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Girl Fun Selections: Volume One (2012)

par Miranda Forbes

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Five hot lesbian stories with themes of BDSM, paranormal and older women from Xcite Books, winners of ETO's Best Erotic Book Brand 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013. Toy Story by Lynn Lake Daisy gets on with goth chick Talia from the moment they start working together, but this is the first time she has visited her friend's home. Talia's convinced that her mother has become a lesbian, revealing the secret stash of porn and extensive collection of toys she's discovered. But Daisy's too distracted by her own sense of curiosity to worry about the sexuality of a woman she's never met. Little does she know that Talia's got a secret of her own, but the toy box is calling... Come Dressed Up by Kitty Meadows There's no way that a self-confessed addict of sexy lingerie is going to turn down an invitation to the opening of a new shop - even if she is still getting over her ex-boyfriend. After a case of mistaken identity, she finds herself a sex-toy guinea pig for the night with a whole new world of possibilities opened up to her. A world full of accessories that not only look sexy, but feel it - plus where men are surplus to requirements! Belonging to Grace by Lucy Diamond Lucy has been dreading this dinner party for weeks and just when she thinks it's going so well, her girlfriend Grace discovers her secret. If there's one thing Grace can't abide, it's dishonesty. After ten years together, Lucy know there's only one way to make things right and that one thing's for certain: her bottom's going to be very red by the time the night is out. Siren by Beverly Langland This holiday is a fresh start for Colleen - a time to shake off her small-village upbringing and embrace her adventurous streak. What could be better than a sailing trip with mature sexy siren Elizabeth? From topless sunbathing to skinny-dipping in the turquoise sea to a sensual body-to-body oil massage, this is a whole new side to Colleen. And the best thing? The raunchy adventure's only just beginning... Blood and Bliss by DMW Carol Blonde, blue-eyed Aimee, dressed all in white, isn't the typical girl Serena usually sees at her favourite goth nightclub - and the mutual attraction between 'darkness and light' is immediate. They can't resist their bodies' urges for long, and soon the two girls are enjoying a long night of fiery passion, all the way from dusk 'til dawn. And beyond. … (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté parbit-of-a-list-tiger, dommebooks

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Five hot lesbian stories with themes of BDSM, paranormal and older women from Xcite Books, winners of ETO's Best Erotic Book Brand 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013. Toy Story by Lynn Lake Daisy gets on with goth chick Talia from the moment they start working together, but this is the first time she has visited her friend's home. Talia's convinced that her mother has become a lesbian, revealing the secret stash of porn and extensive collection of toys she's discovered. But Daisy's too distracted by her own sense of curiosity to worry about the sexuality of a woman she's never met. Little does she know that Talia's got a secret of her own, but the toy box is calling... Come Dressed Up by Kitty Meadows There's no way that a self-confessed addict of sexy lingerie is going to turn down an invitation to the opening of a new shop - even if she is still getting over her ex-boyfriend. After a case of mistaken identity, she finds herself a sex-toy guinea pig for the night with a whole new world of possibilities opened up to her. A world full of accessories that not only look sexy, but feel it - plus where men are surplus to requirements! Belonging to Grace by Lucy Diamond Lucy has been dreading this dinner party for weeks and just when she thinks it's going so well, her girlfriend Grace discovers her secret. If there's one thing Grace can't abide, it's dishonesty. After ten years together, Lucy know there's only one way to make things right and that one thing's for certain: her bottom's going to be very red by the time the night is out. Siren by Beverly Langland This holiday is a fresh start for Colleen - a time to shake off her small-village upbringing and embrace her adventurous streak. What could be better than a sailing trip with mature sexy siren Elizabeth? From topless sunbathing to skinny-dipping in the turquoise sea to a sensual body-to-body oil massage, this is a whole new side to Colleen. And the best thing? The raunchy adventure's only just beginning... Blood and Bliss by DMW Carol Blonde, blue-eyed Aimee, dressed all in white, isn't the typical girl Serena usually sees at her favourite goth nightclub - and the mutual attraction between 'darkness and light' is immediate. They can't resist their bodies' urges for long, and soon the two girls are enjoying a long night of fiery passion, all the way from dusk 'til dawn. And beyond. 

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