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Fine Woodworking's 2014 Magazine Archive

par Editors of Fine Woodworking

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39 years of how-to projects, tips, techniques, and tools to make you a better woodworker. The Fine Woodworking Magazine Archive is a tool no shop should be without. In one amazingly easy-to-search disc, you'll enjoy 38 years of content from our award-winning magazine. That's all 244 issues of Fine Woodworking, starting with Issue #1 and including all the issues from 2014. You'll get the classic articles, timeless projects, a wealth of how-to techniques, plus insight from our respected contributors and their secrets for success -- all the expert advice you need to become an even better woodworker. And with the 2013 Fine Woodworking Magazine Archive, that information is right at your fingertips -- it's a breeze to search through, and you'll know that every technique and tip you find here is shop-tested and comes from a working pro, respected instructor, or seasoned craftsman. Our collection from 2013 includes articles you won't find anywhere else - the articles our readers said they couldn't have done without this year, such as "Fast Fixes for Joinery Mistakes" (#233) with tips from five pros that may save your work. In #232, "Doors that Stay Flat" shows you how to avoid problems that give your doors a twist, and "All Finishes Have a Shelf Life" gives you tips on saving your finishes and saving your money. Find out what tools to avoid when you're fitting tenons in #231's "Best Way to Fit Tenons" and in case you were wondering what you should use, we have the answer in that issue's Tool Test of shoulder planes and rabbet block planes. Order this year's Archive collection to ensure you get these can't-miss pieces!… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté parCOWoodworkersGuild, Buntkc

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39 years of how-to projects, tips, techniques, and tools to make you a better woodworker. The Fine Woodworking Magazine Archive is a tool no shop should be without. In one amazingly easy-to-search disc, you'll enjoy 38 years of content from our award-winning magazine. That's all 244 issues of Fine Woodworking, starting with Issue #1 and including all the issues from 2014. You'll get the classic articles, timeless projects, a wealth of how-to techniques, plus insight from our respected contributors and their secrets for success -- all the expert advice you need to become an even better woodworker. And with the 2013 Fine Woodworking Magazine Archive, that information is right at your fingertips -- it's a breeze to search through, and you'll know that every technique and tip you find here is shop-tested and comes from a working pro, respected instructor, or seasoned craftsman. Our collection from 2013 includes articles you won't find anywhere else - the articles our readers said they couldn't have done without this year, such as "Fast Fixes for Joinery Mistakes" (#233) with tips from five pros that may save your work. In #232, "Doors that Stay Flat" shows you how to avoid problems that give your doors a twist, and "All Finishes Have a Shelf Life" gives you tips on saving your finishes and saving your money. Find out what tools to avoid when you're fitting tenons in #231's "Best Way to Fit Tenons" and in case you were wondering what you should use, we have the answer in that issue's Tool Test of shoulder planes and rabbet block planes. Order this year's Archive collection to ensure you get these can't-miss pieces!

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