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Breaking Mr. Cane

par Shanora Williams

Séries: Mr. Cane (2)

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The gripping, steamy follow up to the bestselling forbidden romance, Wanting Mr. Cane... KANDY I was left broken, my heart beating a little bit harder in order to survive. I'd tried picking up the pieces, but when it came to Cane, it was hard to let go. The way we touched was special and we promised to never forget one another. I had him right in the palm of my hand--thought everything was perfect--but in the blink of an eye, he was gone, leaving me with no choice but to pretend that what we had never existed. CANE She was off-limits to me, but I pushed the boundaries anyway. Now, I was stuck between a rock and a hard place, my career slowly but surely slipping out of my grasp, and ghosts from my past returning to make things much more complicated. My love life had never meant so much to me until I met Kandy. After being knocked down and left stranded, any sane man would have stayed far away, but I wasn't sane--not by a long shot. I knew reality was harsh, and the universe had all the odds stacked against us. Despite it all, nothing was going stop me from making her mine again. And if someone tried, they were going to have to go over my dead body first.… (plus d'informations)

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The gripping, steamy follow up to the bestselling forbidden romance, Wanting Mr. Cane... KANDY I was left broken, my heart beating a little bit harder in order to survive. I'd tried picking up the pieces, but when it came to Cane, it was hard to let go. The way we touched was special and we promised to never forget one another. I had him right in the palm of my hand--thought everything was perfect--but in the blink of an eye, he was gone, leaving me with no choice but to pretend that what we had never existed. CANE She was off-limits to me, but I pushed the boundaries anyway. Now, I was stuck between a rock and a hard place, my career slowly but surely slipping out of my grasp, and ghosts from my past returning to make things much more complicated. My love life had never meant so much to me until I met Kandy. After being knocked down and left stranded, any sane man would have stayed far away, but I wasn't sane--not by a long shot. I knew reality was harsh, and the universe had all the odds stacked against us. Despite it all, nothing was going stop me from making her mine again. And if someone tried, they were going to have to go over my dead body first.

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