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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: The 30-Day Guide to Reducing Depression and Anxiety

par Robert Wang

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Are you tired of being depressed or anxious for no reason? If you have struggled with episodes of hopelessness or overwhelming stress, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: The 30-Day Guide to Reducing Depression and Anxiety could be the tool you need to break through to a better life. This therapy has been used for decades in the field of psychiatry in order to help patients with depression and anxiety overcome their symptoms. The theory explains that negative thoughts are the cause of negative emotions and subsequent bad behaviors, including addictive behaviors like drug abuse and emotional eating. This book will explain the basis of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and why it is so helpful in treating anxiety and depression. Here, you will find tools that will take you step by step through the process of identifying and reshaping negative thoughts into positive ones. While this therapy can be done independently, your results can be enhanced by getting insight from trusted health professionals, or even family and friends to help you pinpoint your negative thoughts. With these tools, you can be in control of your thoughts, emotions and behaviors, and will have the ability to live the positive life you have dreamed of living. It's time to take back your brain!… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté parMerlyn_MacLeod

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Are you tired of being depressed or anxious for no reason? If you have struggled with episodes of hopelessness or overwhelming stress, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: The 30-Day Guide to Reducing Depression and Anxiety could be the tool you need to break through to a better life. This therapy has been used for decades in the field of psychiatry in order to help patients with depression and anxiety overcome their symptoms. The theory explains that negative thoughts are the cause of negative emotions and subsequent bad behaviors, including addictive behaviors like drug abuse and emotional eating. This book will explain the basis of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and why it is so helpful in treating anxiety and depression. Here, you will find tools that will take you step by step through the process of identifying and reshaping negative thoughts into positive ones. While this therapy can be done independently, your results can be enhanced by getting insight from trusted health professionals, or even family and friends to help you pinpoint your negative thoughts. With these tools, you can be in control of your thoughts, emotions and behaviors, and will have the ability to live the positive life you have dreamed of living. It's time to take back your brain!

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