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Baby proof par Emily Giffin

Baby proof (édition 2006)

par Emily Giffin

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
2,670665,658 (3.47)33
From the author of the smash hits Something Borrowed and Something Blue comes a novel that explores the question: is there ever a deal-breaker when it comes to true love? First comes love. Then comes marriage. Then comes... a baby carriage? Isn't that what all women want? Not so for Claudia Parr. And just as she gives up on finding a man who feels the same way, she meets warm, wonderful Ben. Things seem too good to be true when they fall in love and agree to buck tradition with a satisfying, child-free marriage. Then the unexpected occurs: one of them has a change of heart. One of them wants children after all. This is the witty, heartfelt story about what happens to the perfect couple when they suddenly want different things. It's about feeling that your life is set and then realizing that nothing is as you thought it was--and that there is no possible compromise. It's about deciding what is most important in life, and taking chances to get it. But most of all, it's about the things we will do--and won't do--for love.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Baby proof
Auteurs:Emily Giffin
Info:New York : St. Martin's Press, 2006.
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

Information sur l'oeuvre

Un bébé ? Non merci ! par Emily Giffin

  1. 00
    Ask Again Later par Jill A. Davis (Katymelrose)
    Katymelrose: both chick lit, kind of coming of age stories about 30(ish) year old women. Ask Again Later has less story but is funnier than Baby Proof.

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Un livre gentillet à la fin téléphonée.
Bah, ça fait passer le temps, quoi ! ( )
  addy | Jan 3, 2010 |
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For my father, with gratitude
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I never wanted to be a mother.
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From the author of the smash hits Something Borrowed and Something Blue comes a novel that explores the question: is there ever a deal-breaker when it comes to true love? First comes love. Then comes marriage. Then comes... a baby carriage? Isn't that what all women want? Not so for Claudia Parr. And just as she gives up on finding a man who feels the same way, she meets warm, wonderful Ben. Things seem too good to be true when they fall in love and agree to buck tradition with a satisfying, child-free marriage. Then the unexpected occurs: one of them has a change of heart. One of them wants children after all. This is the witty, heartfelt story about what happens to the perfect couple when they suddenly want different things. It's about feeling that your life is set and then realizing that nothing is as you thought it was--and that there is no possible compromise. It's about deciding what is most important in life, and taking chances to get it. But most of all, it's about the things we will do--and won't do--for love.

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Moyenne: (3.47)
1 25
1.5 3
2 76
2.5 13
3 238
3.5 47
4 227
4.5 15
5 111

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