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On the Track of the Sasquatch

par John Willison Green

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Both signed and unsigned copies available of this original publication from John Green in 1980. The second of three books, these originals are incredibly rare and hard to find. First-person accounts of meetings with Bigfoot. Black and white illustrations. "John Green is the pre-eminent authority on the fascinating question of whether mankind shares North America with another upright-walking primate, having researched the subject for more than 20 years and assembled a file of more than 2,000 reports."… (plus d'informations)

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Early on the evening in mid August of this year (1968) two men from Stewart, British Columbia were driving down an old mine access road.
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(Cliquez pour voir. Attention : peut vendre la mèche.)
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Both signed and unsigned copies available of this original publication from John Green in 1980. The second of three books, these originals are incredibly rare and hard to find. First-person accounts of meetings with Bigfoot. Black and white illustrations. "John Green is the pre-eminent authority on the fascinating question of whether mankind shares North America with another upright-walking primate, having researched the subject for more than 20 years and assembled a file of more than 2,000 reports."

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