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The Spaces Between Us: Book One of the Purity Trilogy

par Ethan Johnson

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Purity of heart. Purity of thought. Purity of motive. Agnes Morris heard these words once, and they led to her spirit guide, Image, who taught her how to develop and master secret, arcane abilities like Astral Projection and Alchemy. When she disappears during a family visit at Christmastime and reappears in her brother Marc's apartment 1000 miles away--34 hours later--looking exactly the same down to her tea-soaked pants, she is forced to reveal that his quiet, unremarkable sister is capable of extraordinary things. After Agnes disappears again when Marc presses her for answers, he is led down a strange path of his own: A woman calls to him across time and space, urging him to join her in the ancient city of Nineveh. Through her, the seductive and beautiful Inanna, he is brought face to face with Tobias, a man of immense power and a deep-seated desire for revenge against all who have wronged him. Agnes seeks the aid of her mentors at the Manor, a society devoted to the advancement and understanding of the occult, to learn the truth about Tobias and how to stop him from achieving his destructive ends. But the Manor has deadly secrets of its own, and other plans for Agnes. Agnes must find a way to unite her hostile sisters (Jacqueline, a high-powered executive, and Gracie, a sarcastic part-time skating rink attendant) and save their brother from an ancient evil, or lose him forever and tear their family further apart. But what chance do they have against a fearsome demigod, who can kill with a flick of a finger? An epic tale of hope and betrayal, featuring fully-realized characters and compelling villains. Utterly unlike anything you'e read before. Perfect for readers who crave a new take on time travel and magical realism.… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté parEthan.Johnson

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Purity of heart. Purity of thought. Purity of motive. Agnes Morris heard these words once, and they led to her spirit guide, Image, who taught her how to develop and master secret, arcane abilities like Astral Projection and Alchemy. When she disappears during a family visit at Christmastime and reappears in her brother Marc's apartment 1000 miles away--34 hours later--looking exactly the same down to her tea-soaked pants, she is forced to reveal that his quiet, unremarkable sister is capable of extraordinary things. After Agnes disappears again when Marc presses her for answers, he is led down a strange path of his own: A woman calls to him across time and space, urging him to join her in the ancient city of Nineveh. Through her, the seductive and beautiful Inanna, he is brought face to face with Tobias, a man of immense power and a deep-seated desire for revenge against all who have wronged him. Agnes seeks the aid of her mentors at the Manor, a society devoted to the advancement and understanding of the occult, to learn the truth about Tobias and how to stop him from achieving his destructive ends. But the Manor has deadly secrets of its own, and other plans for Agnes. Agnes must find a way to unite her hostile sisters (Jacqueline, a high-powered executive, and Gracie, a sarcastic part-time skating rink attendant) and save their brother from an ancient evil, or lose him forever and tear their family further apart. But what chance do they have against a fearsome demigod, who can kill with a flick of a finger? An epic tale of hope and betrayal, featuring fully-realized characters and compelling villains. Utterly unlike anything you'e read before. Perfect for readers who crave a new take on time travel and magical realism.

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