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Courting Darkness (2019)

par Robin LaFevers

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Séries: Courting Darkness Duology (1), His Fair Assassin (4)

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5481245,737 (4)2
Young Adult Fiction. Young Adult Literature. HTML:

First in a duology, this darkly thrilling page-turner set in the world of the best-selling His Fair Assassin series is perfect for fans of THRONE OF GLASS, RED QUEEN, and GAME OF THRONES. Told in alternating perspectives, when Sybella discovers there is another trained assassin from St. Mortain's convent deep undercover in the French court, she must use every skill in her arsenal to navigate the deadly royal politics and find her sister in arms before her time—and that of the newly crowned queen—runs out.
When Sybella accompanies the Duchess to France, she expects trouble, but she isn't expecting a deadly trap. Surrounded by enemies both known and unknown, Sybella searches for the undercover assassins from the convent of St. Mortain who were placed in the French court years ago.
Genevieve has been undercover for so many years, she no longer knows who she is or what she's supposed to be fighting for. When she discovers a hidden prisoner who may be of importance, she takes matters into her own hands.

As these two worlds collide, the fate of the Duchess, Brittany, and everything Sybella and Genevieve have come to love hangs in the balance.

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This is a no-spoiler review for both books of the duology. That's because while the story does have some distinct story arcs, the division between the two books happens right in the middle of one. So these books are not as self-contained in the His Fair Assassin trilogy that proceeds it. They really need to be read together.

That said, I really enjoyed the story. In some ways, it's more of the same -- but delightfully so. This books continues to focus on the political and personal intrigues of Anne of Brittany and the initiates of the convent of Mortain. The main viewpoint characters are Sybella, who we have met before, and Genevieve, who we have not met before. Unlike in the previous trilogy, their stories are more interleaved. For the most part, this worked well. However, when the two main viewpoint characters were together, it was sometimes hard to remember whose viewpoint I was reading.

Overall, if you liked the His Fair Assassin trilogy, you'll likely enjoy revisiting the characters and the world. If you didn't, well, you probably aren't looking at this review anyway. :-D ( )
  eri_kars | Jul 10, 2022 |
Blog Review:

3.5 rounded up to 4....very grudgingly.

I am really disappointed.

The sad part is, I did actually enjoy a lot of this, but this turned really boring and disappointing around 80% in the was getting there for a while, but it really started irritating me then.

I love Sybella and Beast, I do, but I really thought that their starcrossed lovers thing would last...well..exactly like that. I didn't want the angst in their relationship, and I'm glad there wasn't a lot.

I loved Gene and Maurad I did, but I was disappointed here...I really expected this to follow in the footsteps of the previous book and have a happy ending relationship and it didn't.

The thing is, most of this book and the next one could have been avoided if Gene had some common sense.

Spoiler alert: Gene does not have common sense.

I was loving Gene and Maraud, but she turned so stupid somehow?!?! I mean, what even was her plan?!?! There was no concrete plan and it was all made up on the go.

I love Sybella, but seriously, this Pierre and d'Albret drama had gone on for too long. Just die already Pierre. Beast was amazing but we got to see so little of him in this.

I loved Anne, and her story was really the most interesting in this. I was prepared to like the king from the ending of the previous book, and I was liking him in the beginning as well, but it seemed like as if he just changed a lot and became so unlikable for me. I underestimated him. A lot.

The regent is a horrible person, and another one I wish would just die.

You hear me!??!?! Pierre and Regent just die already.

I feel this series peaked with Mortal Heart, and really liked whatever it had. With this one,
I can't even say whether I didn't like this because it was worse than Grave Mercy or because it was worse than Mortal Heart, which raised my expectations.

On the whole, not a book I enjoyed completely, but except the last 20-30% this was pretty good. I would recommend this for those who finished with His Fair Assassin, but to take this recommendation with a grain of salt. ( )
  trisha_tomy | Jun 1, 2021 |

As a fan of the original trilogy, I'm really conflicted and have a lot of opinions. I'll be gathering my thoughts and revisiting this review.

it was amazing though, go read it. ( )
  afrozenbookparadise | Apr 22, 2021 |
I received a copy from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. My thoughts and opinions are my own.

I read Grave Mercy a few years ago, but forgot to finish the series! However, after reading Courting Darkness I really want to restart and complete the His Fair Assassin trilogy. LaFevers is insanely imaginative, and I love the world she has created. I'm thrilled that the Courting Darkness duology has the same setting! Some of the characters were familiar, like Ismae and Duval, but they were only present at the start of the book and didn't play a huge role in the rest of the story. I'm not sure if any of the other characters were from previous books, since I still need to finish the first series.

Even though I read Grave Mercy ages ago, I had no trouble understanding the unique terms and phrases used throughout the book. LaFevers expertly sprinkled the information here and there (dropped in a conversation or an observation), so it wasn't overwhelming or wordy. I was so immersed in the story, I hardly noticed!

Beast was easily my favorite character. I liked that he wasn't your typical macho man with muscles for days and hair like spun sugar. He's scarred, broken, and his appearance reflects his hardships and the many battles he's fought (not all of them on a battlefield). He's a fierce opponent, loyal and loving. I enjoyed his interactions with Sybella, and how unbelievably sweet he could be. He wasn't overprotective, but trusted in her abilities. He knew she could protect herself, and fought by her side. I loved the two of them together, and how easy their relationship was. They didn't play games, but appreciated what they had. It was honest and sincere.

There are a lot of horrible characters in this book, and I found myself wanting to strangle a few of them. Awful people make me want to do awful things, especially when they hurt children. LaFevers shows a darker side of humanity, and how Sybella and Genevieve have to fight their own impulses to smack some people around. They fought for what they believed in and what they loved, and didn't go looking for a fight. However, they weren't afraid of going up against anyone that challenged them or threatened what they protected.

I really loved the concept for this book, and I'm happy LaFevers decided to expand on the world from Grave Mercy. Sybella and Genevieve are amazing characters, and I appreciate what the author put them through. She didn't pull her punches, and I think really benefited them in the end. They were smart and skilled, but they struggled with some of their decisions and the choices presented to them. It felt authentic!

I highly recommend this book, even if you haven't read Grave Mercy and the others. Courting Darkness was a hard book to put down, and something I always looked forward to picking back up again.

Originally posted at Do You Dog-ear? on February 14, 2019. ( )
  doyoudogear | Oct 11, 2019 |
I love being back in the his fair assassins world with the followers of Saint Mortain (#StillteamDeath). I very much enjoyed both Sybella and Genevieve stories.
Sybella protecting her beloved Douches of Brittney ... her sisters and her love Beast.
Genevieve had her own trist with the mysterious Maraud, the prisoner she'd rescued from the dungeon who had purposely left there to die. I have to say when I got to the end I would like what! It ended a bit abruptly and now I cannot wait for the next story. All and all a good fast paced read.
Seriously love me some assassin nuns. ( )
  Linnnnie | Oct 7, 2019 |
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Robin LaFeversauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
BillelisArtiste de la couvertureauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Leader-Picone, WhitneyConcepteur de la couvertureauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé

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To fierce, determined girls everywhere.
Especially those still discovering how to be fierce.
You are the true heroes.
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As I stand on the battlements of the besieged city, looking out at the disarray before me, it is clear the god of Death has taken to the field.
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Young Adult Fiction. Young Adult Literature. HTML:

First in a duology, this darkly thrilling page-turner set in the world of the best-selling His Fair Assassin series is perfect for fans of THRONE OF GLASS, RED QUEEN, and GAME OF THRONES. Told in alternating perspectives, when Sybella discovers there is another trained assassin from St. Mortain's convent deep undercover in the French court, she must use every skill in her arsenal to navigate the deadly royal politics and find her sister in arms before her time—and that of the newly crowned queen—runs out.
When Sybella accompanies the Duchess to France, she expects trouble, but she isn't expecting a deadly trap. Surrounded by enemies both known and unknown, Sybella searches for the undercover assassins from the convent of St. Mortain who were placed in the French court years ago.
Genevieve has been undercover for so many years, she no longer knows who she is or what she's supposed to be fighting for. When she discovers a hidden prisoner who may be of importance, she takes matters into her own hands.

As these two worlds collide, the fate of the Duchess, Brittany, and everything Sybella and Genevieve have come to love hangs in the balance.


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