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Garfield's Halloween Adventure

par Jim Davis

Séries: Garfield TV Special (4)

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1872150,759 (3.82)1
It's time to trick-or-treat with Garfield! Garfield and Odie put on their pirate costumes to get as much Halloween candy as possible. After a successful night trick-or-treating, Garfield spots even more houses across the river! But once they get there, Garfield and Odie find themselves at a haunted house - where ghostly pirates are expected to arrive any minute.… (plus d'informations)

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Garfield in Disguise (my copy is an original printing with the original name) was one of the many Garfield television specials that used to run throughout my youth. This one was my favorite, it incorporated two of my favorite things at the time; Halloween and pirates!

Here we find Garfield on the quest for candy on Halloween night, conscripting Odie into his service to get twice the haul. Of course, what Halloween special would be complete without a legit ghost story, which the two soon find themselves right in the middle of.

Like I said, this was one of my favorite of the Garfield TV specials growing up, so I had to have a copy of the book when I saw it was a thing. I also remember using this book to draw pictures of Garfield as a pirate. I remember being very proud of those drawings, as I think they were fairly accurate. ( )
  regularguy5mb | Dec 6, 2016 |
Special Book Club Edition (formerly GARFIELD in Disguise)
  fcspatti | Apr 22, 2010 |
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Variant Title: Garfield's Halloween Adventure was formerly titled Garfield in Disguise
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It's time to trick-or-treat with Garfield! Garfield and Odie put on their pirate costumes to get as much Halloween candy as possible. After a successful night trick-or-treating, Garfield spots even more houses across the river! But once they get there, Garfield and Odie find themselves at a haunted house - where ghostly pirates are expected to arrive any minute.

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Moyenne: (3.82)
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5 5

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