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CAS They call me Ghost for a reason. Silent and in the shadows, I don't make my move until I am absolutely sure of everything. Four years ago I was sure about Jenna. My best friend's kid sister had grown up into a spitfire I couldn't resist. One night we stopped resisting . . . We promised we'd keep it a secret. It was a one-time mistake, but we'd put it behind us. Jenna left but I kept my word. Jenna tried to get out of our corrupt town, but it pulled her back in again. Now she needs help. She needs protection. I'll do all of that for her, if she'll just shut the hell up and let me. She can even keep all of her secrets, except for one . . . JENNA The Lords of Carnage MC has haunted me from the moment I was born. No matter how much I try to get away, they are there-waiting to pull me back into the life that stole my father, my mother and then my brother from me. The ghosts of my past keep rising from the dead. Now the past is stirring again and all I want to do is run away. I'm back in the world I fled, and the secrets and lies of my whole family are about to be laid bare. But it's not just me anymore. I've got my little boy to look out for, too. I'm his only family. And his father has no idea he exists. I swore I would never go back to the MC. I swore I would never make the same mistakes again. But making mistakes with Casper Watkins is too hard to resist . . . Contains mature themes.… (plus d'informations)

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CAS They call me Ghost for a reason. Silent and in the shadows, I don't make my move until I am absolutely sure of everything. Four years ago I was sure about Jenna. My best friend's kid sister had grown up into a spitfire I couldn't resist. One night we stopped resisting . . . We promised we'd keep it a secret. It was a one-time mistake, but we'd put it behind us. Jenna left but I kept my word. Jenna tried to get out of our corrupt town, but it pulled her back in again. Now she needs help. She needs protection. I'll do all of that for her, if she'll just shut the hell up and let me. She can even keep all of her secrets, except for one . . . JENNA The Lords of Carnage MC has haunted me from the moment I was born. No matter how much I try to get away, they are there-waiting to pull me back into the life that stole my father, my mother and then my brother from me. The ghosts of my past keep rising from the dead. Now the past is stirring again and all I want to do is run away. I'm back in the world I fled, and the secrets and lies of my whole family are about to be laid bare. But it's not just me anymore. I've got my little boy to look out for, too. I'm his only family. And his father has no idea he exists. I swore I would never go back to the MC. I swore I would never make the same mistakes again. But making mistakes with Casper Watkins is too hard to resist . . . Contains mature themes.

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