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Deep Blue: A novel of racial conflict

par John Bramhall

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"DEEP BLUE" is a sociological work of science-fiction that explores the dimensions of a racial conflict on another planet. The Zulians - an intelligent, kind-hearted and hospitable race of beings - discover the Vertians - a pitiful, starving, backward group of savages. Assimilating the Vertians into Zulian society, however, proves to be a grave error. For the Vertians actually assimilate very swiftly and all too well.  They rise with alacrity in various areas of Zulian society, acquiring great wealth and the consequent power that wealth brings though their violent and backward ways remain with them as well. In the name of "Egalitarianism" the Vertians manage - both through their own elected representatives and their Zulian political stooges - to subvert the permissive system of democracy that the Zulians have built up, instead passing laws that give special rights to the Vertians and take away age-old rights of the native Zulian population. The novel overall deals with the theme of "social-cultural parasitism" and how far it may be allowed to progress until the host people are forced to resist or perish. Though the characters in this novel are not meant to resemble any branch of humanity, the problems illustrated mirror the numerous examples throughout history and currently around the world of what happens when one group encroaches upon the territory - geographic, social and cultural - of another.… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté parhappysadnick

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"DEEP BLUE" is a sociological work of science-fiction that explores the dimensions of a racial conflict on another planet. The Zulians - an intelligent, kind-hearted and hospitable race of beings - discover the Vertians - a pitiful, starving, backward group of savages. Assimilating the Vertians into Zulian society, however, proves to be a grave error. For the Vertians actually assimilate very swiftly and all too well.  They rise with alacrity in various areas of Zulian society, acquiring great wealth and the consequent power that wealth brings though their violent and backward ways remain with them as well. In the name of "Egalitarianism" the Vertians manage - both through their own elected representatives and their Zulian political stooges - to subvert the permissive system of democracy that the Zulians have built up, instead passing laws that give special rights to the Vertians and take away age-old rights of the native Zulian population. The novel overall deals with the theme of "social-cultural parasitism" and how far it may be allowed to progress until the host people are forced to resist or perish. Though the characters in this novel are not meant to resemble any branch of humanity, the problems illustrated mirror the numerous examples throughout history and currently around the world of what happens when one group encroaches upon the territory - geographic, social and cultural - of another.

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