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Essential health assessment

par Janice Thompson

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A practical, real-world approach--focus on what's normal to identify abnormal. Here are all of the how-tos, what-tos, when-tos, and why-tos you need to master in a well-organized, well-illustrated text that makes the material easier to learn now... and reference later. First, it focuses on the normal and the normal variants of the adult, child, elderly, and pregnant patients seem most frequently in practice. Then, when a finding falls outside of those parameters, you'll be able to identify it as abnormal. Second, assessment is presented as a linear and consistent process, so you will always do the same steps in the same order, assuring that you don't miss anything. An access code inside new, printed texts unlocks resources online at, including Advanced Assessment Techniques, an Audio Library with sample auscultation and percussion sounds, Case Studies featuring real-life scenarios, and Performance Checklists that document the steps of each technique.… (plus d'informations)

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A practical, real-world approach--focus on what's normal to identify abnormal. Here are all of the how-tos, what-tos, when-tos, and why-tos you need to master in a well-organized, well-illustrated text that makes the material easier to learn now... and reference later. First, it focuses on the normal and the normal variants of the adult, child, elderly, and pregnant patients seem most frequently in practice. Then, when a finding falls outside of those parameters, you'll be able to identify it as abnormal. Second, assessment is presented as a linear and consistent process, so you will always do the same steps in the same order, assuring that you don't miss anything. An access code inside new, printed texts unlocks resources online at, including Advanced Assessment Techniques, an Audio Library with sample auscultation and percussion sounds, Case Studies featuring real-life scenarios, and Performance Checklists that document the steps of each technique.

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Classification décimale de Melvil (CDD)

616.07Technology Medicine and health Diseases Pathology; Diseases; Treatment Pathology

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