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The Literacy Coach: Guiding in the Right Direction

par Enrique A Puig

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16Aucun1,340,329 (3.5)1
Expert coaches and anyone coaching for the first time will love the The Literacy Coach, 2/e!      Reviewers Sum it up!   "The framework in which this book is embedded is one of the more elegant ones in existence."  Donna Alvermann, The University of Georgia   "I found this book to be helpful to not only literacy coaches, but to classroom teachers who may want to become coaches or merely better understand their roles. I also believe building principals would find the book extremely useful...I only wish I had been given such access to all of this information five years ago!" Amy Ely, Brush Middle School   What distinguishes The Literacy Coach: Guiding in the Right Direction (2nd edition) from other worthwhile titles on the same topic is the authors' decision to avoid focusing on specific coaching models in favor of taking an ethnographic stance toward working with all literacy coaches, regardless of the model in which they find themselves.    Take a peek inside... Addresses the needs of elementary, middle, and high school literacy coaches while considering Response to Intervention/Instruction Supports the professional development of literacy coaches by Giving a comprehensive look at how learners learn vs. just learning to read; Implementing the idea of categorizing coaching points (into three broad categories) to economize on time and attention; and Including three levels of observations (primary, secondary, and tertiary). Includes a description of the four cornerstones of any successful school reform model: students, teachers, administrators, and the literacy coach. Considers the NRP report and IRA's Standards for Literacy Coaches.   Meet the Authors   Enrique A. Puig is the Director of the Florida Literacy and Reading Excellence Center at the University of Central Florida. He is a certified Reading Recovery teacher and Literacy Collaborative trainer. In addition to being president of the Orange County Reading Council (Florida), Enrique serves as an elected board member of the American Reading Forum and continues to work with students. He is author of Guided Reading and Spanish Speaking Students (Scholastic).   Kathy S. Froelich received her Ph.D. from Fordham University in New York and has provided professional development opportunities to teachers and literacy coaches at the national level. In addition to her years of classroom teaching experience, Kathy has taught at Agnes Scott College and Thomas University. She is currently teaching at Florida State University and is an independent consultant.            … (plus d'informations)

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Expert coaches and anyone coaching for the first time will love the The Literacy Coach, 2/e!      Reviewers Sum it up!   "The framework in which this book is embedded is one of the more elegant ones in existence."  Donna Alvermann, The University of Georgia   "I found this book to be helpful to not only literacy coaches, but to classroom teachers who may want to become coaches or merely better understand their roles. I also believe building principals would find the book extremely useful...I only wish I had been given such access to all of this information five years ago!" Amy Ely, Brush Middle School   What distinguishes The Literacy Coach: Guiding in the Right Direction (2nd edition) from other worthwhile titles on the same topic is the authors' decision to avoid focusing on specific coaching models in favor of taking an ethnographic stance toward working with all literacy coaches, regardless of the model in which they find themselves.    Take a peek inside... Addresses the needs of elementary, middle, and high school literacy coaches while considering Response to Intervention/Instruction Supports the professional development of literacy coaches by Giving a comprehensive look at how learners learn vs. just learning to read; Implementing the idea of categorizing coaching points (into three broad categories) to economize on time and attention; and Including three levels of observations (primary, secondary, and tertiary). Includes a description of the four cornerstones of any successful school reform model: students, teachers, administrators, and the literacy coach. Considers the NRP report and IRA's Standards for Literacy Coaches.   Meet the Authors   Enrique A. Puig is the Director of the Florida Literacy and Reading Excellence Center at the University of Central Florida. He is a certified Reading Recovery teacher and Literacy Collaborative trainer. In addition to being president of the Orange County Reading Council (Florida), Enrique serves as an elected board member of the American Reading Forum and continues to work with students. He is author of Guided Reading and Spanish Speaking Students (Scholastic).   Kathy S. Froelich received her Ph.D. from Fordham University in New York and has provided professional development opportunities to teachers and literacy coaches at the national level. In addition to her years of classroom teaching experience, Kathy has taught at Agnes Scott College and Thomas University. She is currently teaching at Florida State University and is an independent consultant.            

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