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Mazurkas: Chopin National Edition 4a, Vol. IV (Series A., Works Published During Chopin's Lifetime)

par Frédéric Chopin

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(PWM). Includes Mazurkas Op. 6-41, Op. 42A and 42B, Chopin composed his "Mazurkas" continuously from 1825 to 1849. Inspired by Polish folk dance, Chopin's mazurkas gradually became compositions of meditative lyricism, and the most personal statement of expression. Of the variants in musical notation, those designated ossia were marked in this way by Chopin himself or inscribed in his hand in pupils' copies. See also 00132282 for the Mazurkas published posthumously.arked in this way by Chopin himself or inscribed in his hand in pupils' copies, while those without this indication result from textual divergences in authentic copies or from difficulties in reading the text in an unambiguous way. The National Edition of the Works of Fryderyk Chopin Published by PWM Exclusively Distributed by Hal Leonard Corporation Co-Editors Jan Ekier and Pawel Kaminski The objective of the National Edition is to present Chopin's complete output in its authentic form, based on the entire body of available sources. Sources were analyzed with up-to-date scientific and musicological methodology. The National Edition was based on sources originated from the composer, mainly autographs, copies of autographs and first editions with the composer's corrections, and pupils' copies with Chopin's annotations. In cases when original sources were lacking, the closest possible materials were used. Collecting the source materials was a laborious task which took years of effort. The characteristics of sources, the links and discrepancies between them as well as the reasons for particular editorial decisions are discussed in the Source Commentary in each volume. The Performance Commentary appended to each volume includes: the realization of ornaments, comments on pedal markings (the original markings sometimes are inadequate, due to the difference in sound between pianos used in Chopin`s times and modern pianos), suggestions as to the "harmonic legato" (a performance technique often used by Chopin and now forgotten). About the National Edition Full Introduction to the Polish National Edition of the Works of Fryderyk Chopin… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté parNipoc, rectangularcat

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(PWM). Includes Mazurkas Op. 6-41, Op. 42A and 42B, Chopin composed his "Mazurkas" continuously from 1825 to 1849. Inspired by Polish folk dance, Chopin's mazurkas gradually became compositions of meditative lyricism, and the most personal statement of expression. Of the variants in musical notation, those designated ossia were marked in this way by Chopin himself or inscribed in his hand in pupils' copies. See also 00132282 for the Mazurkas published posthumously.arked in this way by Chopin himself or inscribed in his hand in pupils' copies, while those without this indication result from textual divergences in authentic copies or from difficulties in reading the text in an unambiguous way. The National Edition of the Works of Fryderyk Chopin Published by PWM Exclusively Distributed by Hal Leonard Corporation Co-Editors Jan Ekier and Pawel Kaminski The objective of the National Edition is to present Chopin's complete output in its authentic form, based on the entire body of available sources. Sources were analyzed with up-to-date scientific and musicological methodology. The National Edition was based on sources originated from the composer, mainly autographs, copies of autographs and first editions with the composer's corrections, and pupils' copies with Chopin's annotations. In cases when original sources were lacking, the closest possible materials were used. Collecting the source materials was a laborious task which took years of effort. The characteristics of sources, the links and discrepancies between them as well as the reasons for particular editorial decisions are discussed in the Source Commentary in each volume. The Performance Commentary appended to each volume includes: the realization of ornaments, comments on pedal markings (the original markings sometimes are inadequate, due to the difference in sound between pianos used in Chopin`s times and modern pianos), suggestions as to the "harmonic legato" (a performance technique often used by Chopin and now forgotten). About the National Edition Full Introduction to the Polish National Edition of the Works of Fryderyk Chopin

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