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Indian Annie: A Grandmother's Story

par Sally Avery Bermanzohn

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Indian Annie is historical fiction, a life story of a 19th century Indian woman, told in first person. Born into the Chickasaw Nation's ancestral homeland in the deep South, Annie and her family refused to leave during the Indian Removal of the 1830s. Instead, they hid in their small village in the remote mountains of northwestern Alabama known as Freedom Hills. Annie tells of her village's survival against the odds, through war, murder, and starving winters, but reveling in the good times as well. The strength of her extended family is the backbone of Annie's story. Theirs is a spiritual way of life based on strong connection to the earth, and to the myriad local plants and creatures of Alabama.… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté parAfricanRoots

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Indian Annie is historical fiction, a life story of a 19th century Indian woman, told in first person. Born into the Chickasaw Nation's ancestral homeland in the deep South, Annie and her family refused to leave during the Indian Removal of the 1830s. Instead, they hid in their small village in the remote mountains of northwestern Alabama known as Freedom Hills. Annie tells of her village's survival against the odds, through war, murder, and starving winters, but reveling in the good times as well. The strength of her extended family is the backbone of Annie's story. Theirs is a spiritual way of life based on strong connection to the earth, and to the myriad local plants and creatures of Alabama.

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