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Cold Spectrum (Harmony Black Book 4) par…

Cold Spectrum (Harmony Black Book 4) (édition 2017)

par Craig Schaefer (Auteur)

Séries: Harmony Black (4)

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Criminologist Harmony Black is a witch with a loaded Glock. Her partner, Jessie Temple, is packing fierce lupine heat. Together, they're part of Vigilant Lock, an elite FBI black ops group dedicated to defeating criminals with supernatural connections. But when they uncover a demonic conspiracy in the highest ranks of the government, it appears that everything Harmony and her friends have worked for, fought for, and risked their lives for might be a lie. Framed for a casino massacre, Harmony and Jessie are on the run--in the real world and in their own. From the seedy casinos of Atlantic City to the steamy bayous of Louisiana and the imposing facades of Washington, DC, there's not a soul on earth they can trust. The only way they can clear their names is to take down the conspiracy from within and uncover the truth behind a secret that both the government and the powers of hell want to keep buried.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Cold Spectrum (Harmony Black Book 4)
Auteurs:Craig Schaefer (Auteur)
Info:47North (2017), 333 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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Cold Spectrum par Craig Schaefer


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I wish I had read this book right after I completed the third book in the series because it picks up right where that one ended. I'm glad I read it because it completed the ongoing story. However, the epilogue indicates there will be a new chapter. I don't think I will continue on from here. I'm just not invested enough in the characters to endure the horrors. ( )
  Woodardja | Jan 30, 2024 |
Cold Spectrum by Craig Schaefer and narrated by Christina Traister has the team in some serious trouble! We find out finally what the secret Cold Spectrum is! Chilling, thrilling, suspense, action, twists, and surprises keep the wild ride going! Love it! Love the consistency of the narration too! ( )
  MontzaleeW | Apr 19, 2019 |
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Criminologist Harmony Black is a witch with a loaded Glock. Her partner, Jessie Temple, is packing fierce lupine heat. Together, they're part of Vigilant Lock, an elite FBI black ops group dedicated to defeating criminals with supernatural connections. But when they uncover a demonic conspiracy in the highest ranks of the government, it appears that everything Harmony and her friends have worked for, fought for, and risked their lives for might be a lie. Framed for a casino massacre, Harmony and Jessie are on the run--in the real world and in their own. From the seedy casinos of Atlantic City to the steamy bayous of Louisiana and the imposing facades of Washington, DC, there's not a soul on earth they can trust. The only way they can clear their names is to take down the conspiracy from within and uncover the truth behind a secret that both the government and the powers of hell want to keep buried.

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