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The Question to Life's Answers: Spirituality…

The Question to Life's Answers: Spirituality Beyond Belief (édition 2002)

par Steven Harrison

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In this original and inspiring work, best-selling author Steven Harrison lays bare the workings of the mind and spirit with brilliant clarity and proposes a new way of living our lives with a fresh spirituality that is beyond belief. Grappling with the questions we all have about life, he deconstructs the prevailing spiritual, therapeutic, and self-help methods we use to try to change ourselves. By taking this journey of exploration with him, we come face-to-face with the unknown and the potential for radical transformation. The book asks: How do we apply our spiritual understanding to our daily lives? The author examines our ideas and conditioning regarding spiritual power, enlightenment, emptiness, time, therapy, relationships, work, money, children, and community. Harrison reminds us that even as we 'do something' in our busy lives, we have the natural capacity to find stillness in the midst of action. Harrison suggests that our "life must be based on something more substantial, grounded, and connected than the conceptual self.".… (plus d'informations)
Titre:The Question to Life's Answers: Spirituality Beyond Belief
Auteurs:Steven Harrison
Info:Sentient Publications (2002), Paperback, 168 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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The Question to Life's Answers: Spirituality Beyond Belief par Steven Harrison


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In this original and inspiring work, best-selling author Steven Harrison lays bare the workings of the mind and spirit with brilliant clarity and proposes a new way of living our lives with a fresh spirituality that is beyond belief. Grappling with the questions we all have about life, he deconstructs the prevailing spiritual, therapeutic, and self-help methods we use to try to change ourselves. By taking this journey of exploration with him, we come face-to-face with the unknown and the potential for radical transformation. The book asks: How do we apply our spiritual understanding to our daily lives? The author examines our ideas and conditioning regarding spiritual power, enlightenment, emptiness, time, therapy, relationships, work, money, children, and community. Harrison reminds us that even as we 'do something' in our busy lives, we have the natural capacity to find stillness in the midst of action. Harrison suggests that our "life must be based on something more substantial, grounded, and connected than the conceptual self.".

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