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Destination: Limited Edition Design; 60 Must-See Locations

par Ambra Medda

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Approaching the topic of digital holography from the practical perspective of industrial inspection, Digital Holography for MEMS and Microsystem Metrology describes the process of digital holography and its growing applications for MEMS characterization, residual stress measurement, design and evaluation, and device testing and inspection. Asundi also provides a thorough theoretical grounding that enables the reader to understand basic concepts and thus identify areas where this technique can be adopted. This combination of both practical and theoretical approach will ensure the book's relevance and appeal to both researchers and engineers keen to evaluate the potential of digital holography for integration into their existing machines and processes. Addresses particle characterization where digital holography has proven capability for dynamic measurement of particles in 3D for sizing and shape characterization, with applications in microfluidics as well as crystallization and aerosol detection studies. Discusses digital reflection holography, digital transmission holography, digital in-line holography, and digital holographic tomography and applications. Covers other applications including micro-optical and diffractive optical systems and the testing of these components, and bio-imaging.… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté parCasatiGalleryChicago, UrsM

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Approaching the topic of digital holography from the practical perspective of industrial inspection, Digital Holography for MEMS and Microsystem Metrology describes the process of digital holography and its growing applications for MEMS characterization, residual stress measurement, design and evaluation, and device testing and inspection. Asundi also provides a thorough theoretical grounding that enables the reader to understand basic concepts and thus identify areas where this technique can be adopted. This combination of both practical and theoretical approach will ensure the book's relevance and appeal to both researchers and engineers keen to evaluate the potential of digital holography for integration into their existing machines and processes. Addresses particle characterization where digital holography has proven capability for dynamic measurement of particles in 3D for sizing and shape characterization, with applications in microfluidics as well as crystallization and aerosol detection studies. Discusses digital reflection holography, digital transmission holography, digital in-line holography, and digital holographic tomography and applications. Covers other applications including micro-optical and diffractive optical systems and the testing of these components, and bio-imaging.

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