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Saved by Magic (2017)

par Jasmine Walt

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Fenris and Mina's story concludes in the final book of this Baine Chronicles spinoff trilogy! Alerted that Sunaya and Iannis's wedding may be the target of a Resistance plot, Mina and Fenris travel to Solantha despite the very real possibility that Fenris could be recognized and thrown into prison should any of his enemies spot him. Preventing a tragedy is well worth the risk, but their urgent quest is complicated by the mysterious absence of the bride and groom, who have disappeared very suddenly without leaving any clue as to where they were headed. In a city still recovering from last year's terrible quake, Mina and Fenris search for clues to an elusive, but deadly, conspiracy. Old and new friends, unexpected relatives, and dangerous enemies converge upon Solantha in the heat of high summer, and amongst them is Garrett Toring, the Federal Director of Security. With Fenris's mortal enemy sniffing around for potential threats, he must be more careful than ever to remain undetected. But time is running out...and Fenris and Mina may have to look in unexpected places for help if they are to win the day and make sure their friends make it to the altar safe and sound.… (plus d'informations)

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Fenris and Mina's story concludes in the final book of this Baine Chronicles spinoff trilogy! Alerted that Sunaya and Iannis's wedding may be the target of a Resistance plot, Mina and Fenris travel to Solantha despite the very real possibility that Fenris could be recognized and thrown into prison should any of his enemies spot him. Preventing a tragedy is well worth the risk, but their urgent quest is complicated by the mysterious absence of the bride and groom, who have disappeared very suddenly without leaving any clue as to where they were headed. In a city still recovering from last year's terrible quake, Mina and Fenris search for clues to an elusive, but deadly, conspiracy. Old and new friends, unexpected relatives, and dangerous enemies converge upon Solantha in the heat of high summer, and amongst them is Garrett Toring, the Federal Director of Security. With Fenris's mortal enemy sniffing around for potential threats, he must be more careful than ever to remain undetected. But time is running out...and Fenris and Mina may have to look in unexpected places for help if they are to win the day and make sure their friends make it to the altar safe and sound.

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