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Chargement... Sailor Moon Eternal Edition 2 (2013)par Naoko Takeuchi
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Appartient à la sérieSailor Moon (2)
Teenager Usagi is not the best athlete, she's never gotten good grades, and, well, she's a bit of a crybaby. But when she meets a talking cat, she begins a journey that will teach her she has a well of great strength just beneath the surface and the heart to inspire and stand up for her friends as Sailor Moon! Aucune description trouvée dans une bibliothèque |
Discussion en coursAucunCouvertures populairesGenresClassification décimale de Melvil (CDD)741.5The arts Graphic arts and decorative arts Drawing & drawings Cartoons, Caricatures, ComicsClassification de la Bibliothèque du CongrèsÉvaluationMoyenne:
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I love the characters, I love the cheesy drama, I love the even cheesier bad guys and their terrible plans. But I will never shut up about the fact that no one recognizes the scouts out of costume, when none of them wear masks. Also, what are their powers!? How did the girls learn to use them!? Occasionally Luna tells one of the girls to shout something, but other times they shout something new and there's no indication of why they thought to use that. I have no idea what the scope or limitations of their powers are, or those of the bad guys.
We already know I'm giving this series a pass anyway, because it's still entertaining and fantastic and my love for Sailor Moon runs deep. I honestly haven't read a lot of manga, maybe many of them are lacking in key details too. I'm still happy to have these gorgeous new editions and I recommend them if you're a fan. ( )