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Tarnished Vows

par Matthew Lee

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Below the surface, Sara knows something is missing from married life with Mike. Finally, her best friend Tina, wild and carefree, takes her to yet another party and Tina acts slutty, as always, but this time something in Sara's mind clicks. The next day Sara allows an older man to seduce her, and afterwards guilt almost buries her. Sara decides to carry her terrible secret to the grave. Ashamed and afraid of the feelings Tina has set in motion, Sara distances herself from her childhood friend, choosing instead to spend time with a former co-worker, Jennifer. Unknown to Sara, Jennifer is not the great friend she seems and actually plots seductive revenge on Sara right in front of Sara's innocent face. As his wife moves ever closer to the edge, Mike slowly begins to understand that he likes his wife increasingly sexuality, in spite of the jealousy and pain, and nudges his wife toward ever more scandalous behavior. Just as Jennifer's plot begins to come together, Tina and the older gentleman reappear and Mike gets much more than he planned.… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté parMatthewLee

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Below the surface, Sara knows something is missing from married life with Mike. Finally, her best friend Tina, wild and carefree, takes her to yet another party and Tina acts slutty, as always, but this time something in Sara's mind clicks. The next day Sara allows an older man to seduce her, and afterwards guilt almost buries her. Sara decides to carry her terrible secret to the grave. Ashamed and afraid of the feelings Tina has set in motion, Sara distances herself from her childhood friend, choosing instead to spend time with a former co-worker, Jennifer. Unknown to Sara, Jennifer is not the great friend she seems and actually plots seductive revenge on Sara right in front of Sara's innocent face. As his wife moves ever closer to the edge, Mike slowly begins to understand that he likes his wife increasingly sexuality, in spite of the jealousy and pain, and nudges his wife toward ever more scandalous behavior. Just as Jennifer's plot begins to come together, Tina and the older gentleman reappear and Mike gets much more than he planned.

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