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The Black Farm par Elias Witherow

The Black Farm (original 2017; édition 2017)

par Elias Witherow

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After the loss of a child along with a slew of agonizing misfortunes, Nick and Jess decide to end their lives. Unable to cope with the misery that fills their days, they commit one last act together and die in loving relief. But when Nick wakes up, he soon realizes that death isn't the gentle darkness he expected. Panicked and horrified, he struggles to understand the twisted abominations and hellish world he's now trapped in. Driven by desperation and a sudden will to survive, he sets out to find Jess and is unable to cope with the thought of her having to suffer through the terrors this new reality holds. But nothing could prepare him for the nightmares he found ... nothing could prepare him for The Black Farm.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:The Black Farm
Auteurs:Elias Witherow
Info:Publisher Unknown, Kindle Edition, 324 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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The Black Farm par Elias Witherow (2017)


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Suicide—Nick and Jess think it will end their suffering: “There wasn’t anything to be afraid of. The monsters were all on this side of life. What awaited us was blissful nothing, an unaware existence of absolute emptiness. No more worries…no more stress…everything would float away like sticks in a river.” But unfortunately (for them, and for us readers as well) the suffering is only now about to begin because they reawaken on the Black Farm, which is where God sends suicides to be punished.
    It’s fairly tepid stuff though, mostly: horror-fiction without the horror. There are lots (lots) of fight-sequences, and the relationship between Nick and Jess (axe-wielding hero and near-helpless damsel-in-distress) is cringe-inducing. Some of the wording is poor too and, overall, this reads like the sort of thing a teenager would write, then self-publish it and, years later, wish to the same God they hadn’t. ( )
  justlurking | May 16, 2023 |
Bleak, demented, gory, grotesque and full of creative dark horror, this was a splatter of unique horror fiction that I enjoyed a lot. ( )
  Chris.Cummings | Dec 29, 2022 |
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After the loss of a child along with a slew of agonizing misfortunes, Nick and Jess decide to end their lives. Unable to cope with the misery that fills their days, they commit one last act together and die in loving relief. But when Nick wakes up, he soon realizes that death isn't the gentle darkness he expected. Panicked and horrified, he struggles to understand the twisted abominations and hellish world he's now trapped in. Driven by desperation and a sudden will to survive, he sets out to find Jess and is unable to cope with the thought of her having to suffer through the terrors this new reality holds. But nothing could prepare him for the nightmares he found ... nothing could prepare him for The Black Farm.

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