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Arthur Bispo do Rosário : arte além da loucura

par Frederico Morais

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Arthur Bispo do Rosa rio (Minas Gerais, 1909-Rio de Janeiro, 1989) was an African Brazilian sailor in the Brazilian navy, and later became a professional boxer. In 1938 he had his first psychotic episode: in a dream the Virgin Mary told him to record everything about his passage on Earth. He then believed he was Jesus Christ and spent 35 years in three psychiatric institutions in Rio, where he continued to create art works by connecting and assembling everything he could get hold of including nails, buttons, ritual objects from different religions, soda cans, sequins, and much more, making battleships, trucks, toys, and garments and banners on which he inscribed facts, fictions, and names from his delirious moods. He eventually became the most noted outsider artist Brazil ever produced. After his passing, his work was exhibited in the Venice Biennale, in London's Victoria and Albert Museum, at the International Sa o Paulo Biennale, and in other noted venues. In this book, art critic Frederico Morais and a number of other art critics and psychiatrists discuss the features of Bispo's art and its esthetic legitimacy, as well as the limits and relationships between art and mental illness. Excellent choice of reproductions of a variety of Bispo's output.… (plus d'informations)

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Arthur Bispo do Rosa rio (Minas Gerais, 1909-Rio de Janeiro, 1989) was an African Brazilian sailor in the Brazilian navy, and later became a professional boxer. In 1938 he had his first psychotic episode: in a dream the Virgin Mary told him to record everything about his passage on Earth. He then believed he was Jesus Christ and spent 35 years in three psychiatric institutions in Rio, where he continued to create art works by connecting and assembling everything he could get hold of including nails, buttons, ritual objects from different religions, soda cans, sequins, and much more, making battleships, trucks, toys, and garments and banners on which he inscribed facts, fictions, and names from his delirious moods. He eventually became the most noted outsider artist Brazil ever produced. After his passing, his work was exhibited in the Venice Biennale, in London's Victoria and Albert Museum, at the International Sa o Paulo Biennale, and in other noted venues. In this book, art critic Frederico Morais and a number of other art critics and psychiatrists discuss the features of Bispo's art and its esthetic legitimacy, as well as the limits and relationships between art and mental illness. Excellent choice of reproductions of a variety of Bispo's output.

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