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Adieu à Berlin (1939)

par Christopher Isherwood

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Séries: The Berlin Stories (2)

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
2,145507,747 (3.72)143
First published in 1934,Goodbye to Berlin has been popularized on stage and screen by Julie Harris inI Am a Camera and Liza Minelli inCabaret. Isherwood magnificently captures 1931 Berlin: charming, with its avenues and cafés; marvelously grotesque, with its nightlife and dreamers; dangerous, with its vice and intrigue; powerful and seedy, with its mobs and millionaires -- this was the period when Hitler was beginning his move to power.Goodbye to Berlin is inhabited by a wealth of characters: the unforgettable and "divinely decadent"Sally Bowles; plump Frau¨lein Schroeder, who considers reducing her Bu¨steto relieve her heart palpitations; Peter and Otto, a gay couple struggling to come to terms with their relationship; and the distinguished and doomed Jewish family, the Landauers.… (plus d'informations)

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C'est l'histoire de trois familles à Berlin juste avant la prise du pouvoir par les nazis. Livre culte, mythique et populaire car visionnaire pour l'époque. ( )
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Nom de l'auteurRôleType d'auteurŒuvre ?Statut
Isherwood, Christopherauteur principaltoutes les éditionsconfirmé
Cumming, AlanContributeurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Grosz, GeorgeIllustrateurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Meisal, AnnArtiste de la couvertureauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Toorn, Willem vanTraducteurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Whitford, FrankAvant-proposauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
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John and Beatrix Lehmann
Premiers mots
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From my window, the deep solemn massive street.
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[Sally Bowles] sang badly, without any expression, her hands hanging down at her sides ... Her arms hanging carelessly limp.
"You see those ink-stains on the carpet? That's where Herr Professor Koch used to shake his fountain-pen. I told him of it a hundred times. In the end, I even laid sheets of blotting-paper on the floor around his chair."
"Would you like a Prairie Oyster?" ... [Sally] broke the eggs into the glasses, added the [Worcester] sauce and stirred up the mixture with the end of a fountain-pen.
The children sing as they march - patriotic songs about the Homeland - in voices shrill as birds.
Most of the Baabe boys are Nazis. Two of them come into the rsetaurant sometimes and engage us in good-humoured political arguments. They ell us about their field-exercises and military games. / "You're preparing for war", says Peter indignantly.... "Excuse me," one of the boys contradicts, "that's quite wrong. The Fuhrer does not want war. Our programme stands for peace, with honour. All the same ..." he adds wistfully, his face lighting up, "war can be fine, you know" Think of the ancient Greeks!"
Derniers mots
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(Cliquez pour voir. Attention : peut vendre la mèche.)
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First published in 1934,Goodbye to Berlin has been popularized on stage and screen by Julie Harris inI Am a Camera and Liza Minelli inCabaret. Isherwood magnificently captures 1931 Berlin: charming, with its avenues and cafés; marvelously grotesque, with its nightlife and dreamers; dangerous, with its vice and intrigue; powerful and seedy, with its mobs and millionaires -- this was the period when Hitler was beginning his move to power.Goodbye to Berlin is inhabited by a wealth of characters: the unforgettable and "divinely decadent"Sally Bowles; plump Frau¨lein Schroeder, who considers reducing her Bu¨steto relieve her heart palpitations; Peter and Otto, a gay couple struggling to come to terms with their relationship; and the distinguished and doomed Jewish family, the Landauers.

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Classification décimale de Melvil (CDD)

823Literature English English fiction

Classification de la Bibliothèque du Congrès


Moyenne: (3.72)
1 3
2 20
2.5 3
3 87
3.5 35
4 159
4.5 12
5 50

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