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Journey of Faith for Teens, Enlightenment and Mystagogy Leader Guide

par Pastoral Publicat Redemptorist

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The ever-popular and long-running RCIA program, Journey of Faith for Teens, has a fresh, new look and expanded leader materials. Written in the engaging, pastoral style of the Redemptorists, the content more fully addresses relevant life issues, faith topics, and questions in a catechetical approach to RCIA. Engaged teens learn better, which is why we've combined collaborative activities with group discussions and private journaling to appeal to a variety of learners in a way that's flexible enough for you to modify to your unique needs.Enlightenment covers God's mercy and forgiveness, an introduction to the scrutinies, and the Lenten practices of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. Teens also participate in a group Lenten retreat. Mystagogy leads teens, now members of the Church, into full participation with their Church and parish communities and continues their faith formation as they share the joy and enthusiasm they have for the faith with others.This comprehensive Leader Guide gives you everything you need to walk into your RCIA class and start leading--whether you're a veteran RCIA instructor or a first-time volunteer. The expanded materials include: New, wraparound design that enables you to see what your participants see so you can spend more time teaching and growing in faith alongside your groupComplete instructions for how to use Journey of Faith with an explanation of the lesson plan components including schedule optionsTips on how to be an effective catechistPractical suggestions for teaching in a group settingAdditional discussion points prepare you for their responses and keep the conversation goingA complete glossary of all new concepts and terms taught in the lessons… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté parArchatl-OFD

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The ever-popular and long-running RCIA program, Journey of Faith for Teens, has a fresh, new look and expanded leader materials. Written in the engaging, pastoral style of the Redemptorists, the content more fully addresses relevant life issues, faith topics, and questions in a catechetical approach to RCIA. Engaged teens learn better, which is why we've combined collaborative activities with group discussions and private journaling to appeal to a variety of learners in a way that's flexible enough for you to modify to your unique needs.Enlightenment covers God's mercy and forgiveness, an introduction to the scrutinies, and the Lenten practices of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. Teens also participate in a group Lenten retreat. Mystagogy leads teens, now members of the Church, into full participation with their Church and parish communities and continues their faith formation as they share the joy and enthusiasm they have for the faith with others.This comprehensive Leader Guide gives you everything you need to walk into your RCIA class and start leading--whether you're a veteran RCIA instructor or a first-time volunteer. The expanded materials include: New, wraparound design that enables you to see what your participants see so you can spend more time teaching and growing in faith alongside your groupComplete instructions for how to use Journey of Faith with an explanation of the lesson plan components including schedule optionsTips on how to be an effective catechistPractical suggestions for teaching in a group settingAdditional discussion points prepare you for their responses and keep the conversation goingA complete glossary of all new concepts and terms taught in the lessons

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