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The Testosterone Advantage Plan: Lose…

The Testosterone Advantage Plan: Lose Weight, Gain Muscle ("Men's Health" S.) (édition 2003)

par Lou Schuler

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A 9-week food-and-fitness plan for men only. The Testosterone Advantage Plan is a diet for men that turns conventional weight-loss thinking on its head. The book explains how today's ultra low-fat diets are detrimental both nutritionally and metabolically to men. The authors believe that men should actually aim for 30 percent - 40 percent fat in their diet. The book's higher-fat diet, even without the muscle-building, testosterone-boosting workout plan, should leave men looking lean but never feeling hungry. For best results, combining the diet with the workout plan will help men attain the shape they've always admired. The Testosterone Advantage Plan offers men a long list of additional likely benefits in terms of energy and enthusiasm, power and potency, confidence and charisma.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:The Testosterone Advantage Plan: Lose Weight, Gain Muscle ("Men's Health" S.)
Auteurs:Lou Schuler
Info:Rodale International Ltd (2003), Paperback
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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The Testosterone Advantage Plan par Lou Schuler


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Testosterone seems to be the hot topic today for those men whoare aging baby boomers. The concern is that not only is testosterone essential to muscle growth and fitness it is also has a significant impact on male sexual performance. This book lays out the argument in a way that the ordinary man can understand. Essentially it come down to a protein rich diet and muscle building exewrcise via weight lifting. All this is covered with a great 9 week program that will cut weight (fat) and build muscle and strength. Plenty of exercises and recipies to help a person at any physical level. Great book. ( )
  realbigcat | Oct 3, 2012 |
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A 9-week food-and-fitness plan for men only. The Testosterone Advantage Plan is a diet for men that turns conventional weight-loss thinking on its head. The book explains how today's ultra low-fat diets are detrimental both nutritionally and metabolically to men. The authors believe that men should actually aim for 30 percent - 40 percent fat in their diet. The book's higher-fat diet, even without the muscle-building, testosterone-boosting workout plan, should leave men looking lean but never feeling hungry. For best results, combining the diet with the workout plan will help men attain the shape they've always admired. The Testosterone Advantage Plan offers men a long list of additional likely benefits in terms of energy and enthusiasm, power and potency, confidence and charisma.

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