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The Adventures of an Army Brat: snowflake

par Jim Daly

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I love the sensation of snowflakes falling from the sky and melting on my face. Whenever I experience a snowy day I think about my life. These are the adventures of Dylan James McCoy an Army Brat from Anchorage, Alaska. At an early age Dylan's mother knew he was an outdoorsman with a love for fishing and mountaineering along with the insight to overcome the dangers of the Alaska wilderness. Dylan's adventures take him outside Alaska to Love field in Dallas Texas to meet President Kennedy and Jacqueline. Moving to Sausalito California in the 1960's facing Vietnam protesters, meeting the Hell's Angels and his life-long friend Spyder a California surfer. Surviving multiple natural disasters including the 1964 Anchorage earthquake, Mt Saint Helen's eruption in Washington and Hurricane Hugo in Charleston. Being selected to a Bicentennial team experiencing the thrill of standing on a 20,000 foot peak talking to the President of the United States. While traveling in India, Dylan will meet Mother Teresa and experience the perils of a plane crash in the Himalayans. After breaking a ski in the 1970's launch a multi-million dollar business with his best friend Spyder. US Presidents, famous Actors and lifelong friendships will all know the name Dylan McCoy from Anchorage. This non-stop action is filled with compassionate characters and stories as Dylan grows up with a father in the Army and how he relies on his strong faith to pull himself through emotional life events. We are all made up of life experiences which stick to our souls so hold onto your seat and follow Dylan's adventures from the 1960's to the 1990's. Each one of these life experiences flash through my mind dressed in unique beauty like the snowflakes which find their way to earth and melt on my face.… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté parMilitaryFamilyMuseum

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I love the sensation of snowflakes falling from the sky and melting on my face. Whenever I experience a snowy day I think about my life. These are the adventures of Dylan James McCoy an Army Brat from Anchorage, Alaska. At an early age Dylan's mother knew he was an outdoorsman with a love for fishing and mountaineering along with the insight to overcome the dangers of the Alaska wilderness. Dylan's adventures take him outside Alaska to Love field in Dallas Texas to meet President Kennedy and Jacqueline. Moving to Sausalito California in the 1960's facing Vietnam protesters, meeting the Hell's Angels and his life-long friend Spyder a California surfer. Surviving multiple natural disasters including the 1964 Anchorage earthquake, Mt Saint Helen's eruption in Washington and Hurricane Hugo in Charleston. Being selected to a Bicentennial team experiencing the thrill of standing on a 20,000 foot peak talking to the President of the United States. While traveling in India, Dylan will meet Mother Teresa and experience the perils of a plane crash in the Himalayans. After breaking a ski in the 1970's launch a multi-million dollar business with his best friend Spyder. US Presidents, famous Actors and lifelong friendships will all know the name Dylan McCoy from Anchorage. This non-stop action is filled with compassionate characters and stories as Dylan grows up with a father in the Army and how he relies on his strong faith to pull himself through emotional life events. We are all made up of life experiences which stick to our souls so hold onto your seat and follow Dylan's adventures from the 1960's to the 1990's. Each one of these life experiences flash through my mind dressed in unique beauty like the snowflakes which find their way to earth and melt on my face.

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