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Growing Strong in God's Family: A Course in Personal Discipleship to Strengthen Your Walk With God (The Revised 2:7 Series)

par The Navigators

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Over 500,000 Sold in Series!Prepare your heart for God's Word to take root and bear fruit in your life. Guided Bible studies will help you personally and actively engage with Scripture. Develop tried-and-true ways to get the most from your Bible reading, and learn to hear God's voice as you track the significant passages that speak to your heart. Dig deep and discover the strength of God's Word for you.What is The 2:7 Series?The 2:7 Series is discipleship training with a proven track record. Each installment leads participants through the fundamentals of discipleship to strengthen your walk with God. Book 1: Growing Strong in God's Family Book 2: Deepening Your Roots in God's Family Book 3: Bearing Fruit in God's Family Biblically rooted and practically focused, the 2:7 Series develops disciples who experience long-term, life-changing results.… (plus d'informations)

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  semoffat | Aug 25, 2021 |
Case 7 shelf 6
  semoffat | Aug 25, 2021 |
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Over 500,000 Sold in Series!Prepare your heart for God's Word to take root and bear fruit in your life. Guided Bible studies will help you personally and actively engage with Scripture. Develop tried-and-true ways to get the most from your Bible reading, and learn to hear God's voice as you track the significant passages that speak to your heart. Dig deep and discover the strength of God's Word for you.What is The 2:7 Series?The 2:7 Series is discipleship training with a proven track record. Each installment leads participants through the fundamentals of discipleship to strengthen your walk with God. Book 1: Growing Strong in God's Family Book 2: Deepening Your Roots in God's Family Book 3: Bearing Fruit in God's Family Biblically rooted and practically focused, the 2:7 Series develops disciples who experience long-term, life-changing results.

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