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Plume s'envole par Hans de Beer

Plume s'envole (édition 2002)

par Hans de Beer (Auteur)

Séries: Little Polar Bear (7)

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When Lars, the little polar bear, finds a lost puffin and a hot-air balloon, he believes his dream of flying may finally come true.
Titre:Plume s'envole
Auteurs:Hans de Beer (Auteur)
Info:Nord-Sud Jeunesse (2002), 32 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque
Mots-clés:CONTES nautilude

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Little Polar Bear and the Big Balloon par Hans de Beer


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Lars träumt gerade vom Fliegen. Da plumpst etwas neben ihn ins Wasser. Es ist ein Papageientaucher namens Yuri. Auch er kann nicht fliegen, denn ein Ölfilm verschmiert sein Gefieder. Lars ist hilfsbereit wie immer, aber auch die heißen Quellen sorgen nicht dafür, dass Yuri wieder fliegen kann. Zum Glück entdecken sie einen Heißluftballon und schon sind sie im Korb. Es wird eine abenteuerliche Ballonfahrt, die aber auch bald ein Ende hat. Dann trennen sich ihre Wege wieder, aber beide haben sie einen neuen Freund gewonnen.
Es macht immer wieder Spaß, die Bücher mit Lars zu lesen und zu betrachten. Die Geschichten sind kindgerecht und die passenden Illustrationen einfach wunderschön. Dabei gibt aus auch Wissenswertes, das ganz nebenbei vermittelt wird.
Ich kann die Kinderbücher mit dem Kleinen Eisbären nur empfehlen, denn die lieben Kleinen mögen ihren Lars. ( )
  buecherwurm1310 | Jan 1, 2019 |
Lars the little polar bear returns in this seventh picture-book chronicling his adventures, this time encountering a little puffin named Yuri. With his wings encrusted with oil, Yuri cannot fly, and it falls to Lars to help him, first taking him to the local hot springs to clean off, and then escorting him back to his ship. On the way, the two have a magical experience in a hot air balloon, and Lars finally discovers what it's like to fly...

Originally published in Switzerland as Kleiner Eisbär, hilf mir fliegen! (literally: "Little Polar Bear, Help Me Fly"), Little Polar Bear and the Big Balloon returns to the tried and true formula of this series, which alternates between a scenario in which the eponymous ursine hero befriends an animal in need of help getting home, and kindly lends a paw; and one in which Lars himself is borne off from home, and needs help himself, in getting back. Like its predecessors, this one pairs a gentle, heartwarming tale with lovely watercolor illustrations. Recommended to fans of the series. ( )
  AbigailAdams26 | Jun 5, 2018 |
a little polar bear finds a puffin who can not fly. the bear wants to fly but he can not while the puffin is hurt so he can not fly. The bear and puffin work together to get the puffin to fly but he can not. They try and fly in a hot air balloon but a storm comes and they are flown off. the puffin is able to fly and the bear is softly landing on a snow pile. the puffin assured the bear he would be back next year. the bear is okay with not flying any more.
1 book
  TUCC | Sep 19, 2016 |
The book Little Polar Beard and the Big Balloon, is an excellent choice when wanting to describe ambition, friendship, and adventure. Just like children, the polar bear named Lars, had dreams and wishes. Lars' dream was to be able to fly one day. Soon enough he met a new friend, a puffin named Yuri. Yuri asked Lars if he could help him fix his wing. Lars was not able to help but they still became friends no matter their differences. On their journey back to the ship, they found a hot air balloon. Lars found a way to fly without needing to have wings. This teaches children to go after their dreams even if they think they cannot accomplish them. Lars flew in the hot air balloon and thanked Yuri for showing him the hot air balloon. Meanwhile, Yuri fixed his wing on his own, he just had to be determined enough to do it. Both of them had the satisfaction of having their dreams fulfilled. The illustrations in this book also show the positive friendship the two gain. In the pictures, they are always helping each other. Since the puffin could not fly, the polar bear allowed for him to ride on his back. Lars and Yuri both portrayed selflessness, ambition, compassion, and love for each other even though they were different.
  brittanyyelle | Sep 15, 2015 |
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Hans de Beerauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Lanning, RosemaryTraducteurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé

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When Lars, the little polar bear, finds a lost puffin and a hot-air balloon, he believes his dream of flying may finally come true.

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