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Empath: 25 Secrets To Get Your Sensitivity and Energy Under Control

par Robert Wang

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Do you find yourself constantly overwhelmed by stimuli outside of you, including loud noises, strong feelings of others, and your own thoughts and ideas? This book is for you. In this guide, you will learn: What makes an Empath? Is being an empath the same as being empathetic? Actually, it isn't. It's much more than that, and you'll find out exactly how. Even if you just tend to be more empathetic than others, you will find the information in this guide helpful for managing and navigating your emotions and the emotions of those around you. How does one Protect themselves? Once you realize that you feel deeply and that it's just a part of your personality, what do you do with that information? There are plenty of useful tips to learn that show you how to ground yourself in times of stress, not take things so personally, and recover quickly from overwhelming environments. How should you find Peace in a Rowdy World? A huge part of navigating life as this type of personality is making time for yourself, creating quiet space in your life, and a designated routine that allows you to connect with yourself on a regular basis. Stop working against yourself and start loving yourself. Being an empath is actually a wonderful blessing when you know how to use it and shield yourself from unnecessary negativity. With the information given to you in this book, you can take yourself to the next level and experience the joy and happiness you truly deserve.… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté parJJGoodwin

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Do you find yourself constantly overwhelmed by stimuli outside of you, including loud noises, strong feelings of others, and your own thoughts and ideas? This book is for you. In this guide, you will learn: What makes an Empath? Is being an empath the same as being empathetic? Actually, it isn't. It's much more than that, and you'll find out exactly how. Even if you just tend to be more empathetic than others, you will find the information in this guide helpful for managing and navigating your emotions and the emotions of those around you. How does one Protect themselves? Once you realize that you feel deeply and that it's just a part of your personality, what do you do with that information? There are plenty of useful tips to learn that show you how to ground yourself in times of stress, not take things so personally, and recover quickly from overwhelming environments. How should you find Peace in a Rowdy World? A huge part of navigating life as this type of personality is making time for yourself, creating quiet space in your life, and a designated routine that allows you to connect with yourself on a regular basis. Stop working against yourself and start loving yourself. Being an empath is actually a wonderful blessing when you know how to use it and shield yourself from unnecessary negativity. With the information given to you in this book, you can take yourself to the next level and experience the joy and happiness you truly deserve.

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