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We Were on a Break par Lindsey Kelk

We Were on a Break (édition 2016)

par Lindsey Kelk (Auteur)

Séries: Tess Brookes

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Is it a break? Or is it a blip? 'You've just had a holiday,' I pointed out, trying not to yawn. 'Wasn't that enough of a break?' 'I don't mean that kind of break.' There's nothing worse than the last day of holiday. Oh wait, there is. When what should have been a proposal turns into a break, Liv and Adam find themselves on opposite sides of the life they had mapped out. Friends and family all think they're crazy; Liv throws herself into work - animals are so much simpler than humans - and Adam tries to get himself out of the hole he's dug. But as the short break becomes a chasm, can they find a way back to each other? Most importantly, do they want to?… (plus d'informations)
Titre:We Were on a Break
Auteurs:Lindsey Kelk (Auteur)
Info:Harper (2016), 400 pages

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We Were On a Break par Lindsey Kelk


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5 sur 5
I have never read anything by Lindsey Kelk, but I have bought two of her books based on the titles. Of course, this title reminded me of Friends (an all time favorite show). I was excited to give it a go.

This book is exactly what the title suggests. Our two characters Liv and Adam are in a relationship and are taking a break. You follow both their POV during the break. This is a book that is all about communication. So many things happened due to the characters just not talking to each other about how they were feeling.

Overall, it was a fun read and I liked it. ( )
  SimplyKelina | Mar 11, 2018 |
A special thank you to Edelweiss and Harper for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

What should've been a proposal on a vacation turns into a break for Liv and Adam. From here things further spiral out of control as Adam tries to climb out of the hole he's dug while Liv throws herself into her veterinary practice. They keep colliding throughout the story, but can they get themselves back on course and take a run at happily ever after?

I adore British books, the phrasing and slightly cheeky yet charming characters, and this book is no exception. What I didn't like, and where it stumbled for me, was the narration change mid-chapter. I don't mind the alternating points-of-view, but to randomly change part way through a chapter, was confusing and unnecessary. That being said, I would definitely pick up any of Kelk's other books.
( )
  GirlWellRead | Feb 25, 2017 |
The book opens with Liv & Adam on holiday in Mexico. Liv is expecting a marriage proposal; but ultimately they end up back in the Midlands of England "on a break." Instead of a cute rom-com; but it was pretty much 400+ pages of slogging through the misery of a breakup. He's pathetic, and she doesn't some across as being very bright. No chemistry between them, their friends, or their family; No thrill of the chase, or grand gesture to win. What might have been comic moments came across as cringe-worthy. Sorry, but this was about as anti-rom-com as you could get and still stay in the genre :-/ ( )
  Tanya-dogearedcopy | Jan 29, 2017 |
Adam was due to propose to Liv whilst on holiday to Mexico, the proposal didnt get off to a great start and Adam decided to forget the whole proposal and needed "a break" from the relationship instead

The book is about two people finding their way through a break back to each other. Im not sure how I feel about Cass and Chris who were constantly interfering and not in a good way. Though I absolutely loved David and Abi who bought a lot of humour to the book.

Overally a nice chick lit book and a enjoyable read ( )
1 voter Titch88 | Dec 18, 2016 |
I’d been checking out Lindsey Kelk’s books (there’s a nice double pack available at Dymocks at the moment) when I got a message to say that her newest novel, We Were on a Break, was in the post. Yay! I couldn’t wait to read this, a new standalone novel about an accidental breakup. It was pretty much under my noses seconds after the postie had delivered it. This book is a truly funny romantic comedy of missed opportunities, misinterpreted moments and zany characters. I loved it!

The story is about Liv and Adam, who are on holiday at the start of the book. Adam has organised a romantic last night dinner to propose and Liv knows that the proposal has to happen soon because Adam’s brother told her best friend. But then Liv wears blister inducing shoes, Adam misreads Google maps and then gets cold feet…so no dinner, no proposal. Both are tired and annoyed, which sparks an inflight argument. When Adam states he wants a break of unspecified nature, Liv takes it to mean a break break from the relationship. Then Adam thinks that’s what she wants and the comedy of errors gets underway. What’s the etiquette for a break that might be temporary? Can you text your partner? Are you allowed to say partner? Is a Facebook like OK? Trying Tinder? Thinking sexy thoughts about your client? Both Adam and Liv are mixed up but not able to talk to each other.

Unluckily for Liv, the break happens just as her life changes dramatically. It’s not every day that your father retires and declares you’re the head vet in front of the entire village while you’re wearing a loaned dress stuffed with tissue boobs. Or when your friend and vet nurse teaches you Tinder out of the back of work. Liv doesn’t know what she wants down to the fine detail, but she knows she doesn’t want this. Her journey is one of self-discovery, gain of emotional intelligence and having the bravery to say it all.

Adam, all round nice guy who wears a chip on his shoulder (frequently made larger by his brother, app creator gazillionaire) about not finishing law school, might have it easier. But probably not. He’s lost without Liv and convinced it’s all his fault. In his misery, glamazon Jane (co-owner of the bar he’s building) could be something. Or not. Does he take the leap? Is this a test?

I loved the misinterpretations in We Were on a Break (like when Liv spots Jane and Adam in the pub and gets stuck trying to escape through the toilet window). It never feels forced or corny, but like a situation you could possibly find yourself in. (Who wouldn’t ditch Jane’s keys into the bush?) I think the fun and spontaneity is helped by some crazily fun supporting characters. David, Liv’s vet nurse, is just hilarious. He’s always got a wisecrack or a completely crazy solution to everything, but has a heart too. Abi, Liv’s best friend, is cynical and naughty, but deep down will do anything for her friends. Even Cass, who is somewhat of the odd one out being a new mum, has glimpses of wildness. For Adam, brother Chris is a total tool, but a sort-of lovable one. Nothing is too much for Chris, from a Ferris wheel at a christening to making sure Adam behaves himself. The characters really make this book an absolute riot.

I loved this story so much that I instantly went out and bought some of the Lindsey Kelk books I don’t already own. This is a great holiday read (whether you be in summer or winter) – just be prepared for strangers to look at you oddly while you wipe away tears of laughter.

Thanks to Harper Collins for the copy of this book. My review is honest. ( )
1 voter birdsam0610 | Oct 22, 2016 |
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Is it a break? Or is it a blip? 'You've just had a holiday,' I pointed out, trying not to yawn. 'Wasn't that enough of a break?' 'I don't mean that kind of break.' There's nothing worse than the last day of holiday. Oh wait, there is. When what should have been a proposal turns into a break, Liv and Adam find themselves on opposite sides of the life they had mapped out. Friends and family all think they're crazy; Liv throws herself into work - animals are so much simpler than humans - and Adam tries to get himself out of the hole he's dug. But as the short break becomes a chasm, can they find a way back to each other? Most importantly, do they want to?

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