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Suburbanistas par Pamela Redmond Redmond

Suburbanistas (édition 2006)

par Pamela Redmond Redmond (Auteur)

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621436,521 (2.97)1
From the acclaimed author of Younger and Babes in Captivity, a funny and moving novel about friendship, fame, and the fight for one suburb's future! Greetings from New Jersey Stella Powers is an A-list movie star who has just landed an Oscar-worthy role and a hot new rock-star husband when her mother's death brings her world tumbling down. Floundering as her life becomes one tabloid horror after another, Stella finds herself stuck in the New Jersey suburb she fled twenty years ago. But Homewood is no longer the sleepy town she remembers: housing prices are skyrocketing and glitzy new stores -- and people -- are moving in. To Stella and her young daughter, this is good news. Wish you weren't here. The bad news: Stella's childhood best friend, Mary Jean, who married Stella's old boyfriend and raised four kids in Homewood, can no longer afford to live there. Mary Jean is determined to wrest back the town but needs Stella on her side. The stakes for both women are high, but how can these old friends reconnect after so much time has passed? Or more importantly, how can they not?… (plus d'informations)
Auteurs:Pamela Redmond Redmond (Auteur)
Info:Gallery Books (2006), Edition: First Edition, 352 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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Suburbanistas par Pamela Redmond Satran


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This book is a little slow starting, but once you get into it, it isn't too bad. The characters are not people I can identify with and seem to be sterotypes of certain personalities. But it was a pretty easy read and the overall story was pretty good. ( )
  picklechic | Feb 25, 2008 |
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From the acclaimed author of Younger and Babes in Captivity, a funny and moving novel about friendship, fame, and the fight for one suburb's future! Greetings from New Jersey Stella Powers is an A-list movie star who has just landed an Oscar-worthy role and a hot new rock-star husband when her mother's death brings her world tumbling down. Floundering as her life becomes one tabloid horror after another, Stella finds herself stuck in the New Jersey suburb she fled twenty years ago. But Homewood is no longer the sleepy town she remembers: housing prices are skyrocketing and glitzy new stores -- and people -- are moving in. To Stella and her young daughter, this is good news. Wish you weren't here. The bad news: Stella's childhood best friend, Mary Jean, who married Stella's old boyfriend and raised four kids in Homewood, can no longer afford to live there. Mary Jean is determined to wrest back the town but needs Stella on her side. The stakes for both women are high, but how can these old friends reconnect after so much time has passed? Or more importantly, how can they not?

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