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Slayers: Playing With Fire

par C. J. Hill

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1711,278,271 (4)2
"Having superpowers is overrated. It requires Tori to go to way more team practices than can comfortably fit into a normal teenager's schedule. Being a dragon slayer has other drawbacks too--like fighting dragons and keeping one step ahead of power-hungry dragon lords, all without blowing her cover. Tori Hampton is a presidential candidate's daughter, which means she not only has a public reputation to maintain, she also has a humorless bodyguard to ditch every time she needs to go on a mission. And Dr. B has plenty of missions for the Slayers. When he discovers that someone is selling dragon scales on the black market, he's convinced the seller can give him the dragons' location. A surprise strike could turn the tide in the Slayers favor, but when they track down the seller, they find more than they've bargained for. Suddenly, strategies need to change, alliances shift, and Tori finds herself caught in the precarious middle." --Page [4] of cover.… (plus d'informations)

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Tori has enough trouble balancing her schoolwork with being a Slayer. She also has to talk Dirk into leaving his evil father and coming back to the Slayers. When they discover two new Slayers, it may be the perfect chance to send one of them to infiltrate Overdrake's household as a spy. ( )
  soraki | May 18, 2018 |
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"Having superpowers is overrated. It requires Tori to go to way more team practices than can comfortably fit into a normal teenager's schedule. Being a dragon slayer has other drawbacks too--like fighting dragons and keeping one step ahead of power-hungry dragon lords, all without blowing her cover. Tori Hampton is a presidential candidate's daughter, which means she not only has a public reputation to maintain, she also has a humorless bodyguard to ditch every time she needs to go on a mission. And Dr. B has plenty of missions for the Slayers. When he discovers that someone is selling dragon scales on the black market, he's convinced the seller can give him the dragons' location. A surprise strike could turn the tide in the Slayers favor, but when they track down the seller, they find more than they've bargained for. Suddenly, strategies need to change, alliances shift, and Tori finds herself caught in the precarious middle." --Page [4] of cover.

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