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Say You Want Me par Corinne Michaels

Say You Want Me (édition 2016)

par Corinne Michaels (Auteur)

Séries: Return to Me (2)

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Fiction. Romance. HTML:

From New York Times Bestseller, Corinne Michaels, comes a new friends to lovers standalone romance.

There's no way I'll fall for Wyatt Hennington.

He can keep his Southern drawl, irresistible smile, and those pick-up lines all to himself. I made the mistake of sleeping with him not once, but twice. I'm not stupid enough to give him round three, especially after he left me in the middle of the night so I could see myself out. I vow to return to Philadelphia and forget him.

It proves easier said than done.

When the doctor informs me I'm the winner of door prize number two, I put my life on hold and head back to Bell Buckle. Three months and if we can't make this work, I'm gone.

The problem is—when the cards are stacked against us, and I can't bring myself to leave him, I'll finally know if he truly loves me or if all my fears were real . . .

Author's Note: This book may contain sensitive subject matter and is recommended for readers 17+ only. For possible CW's please check the author's website.

… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Say You Want Me
Auteurs:Corinne Michaels (Auteur)
Info:EverAfter Romance (2016), 310 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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Say You Want Me par Corinne Michaels


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Sunday's errands made pick up another audiobook, and once again, I picked up Corinne Michael's second book of the Return to Me series. Say You Want Me is Angie's and Wyatt's love story. This book is strong, and I absolutely enjoy it, and I am happy that I picked it up soon after I read Say You'll Stay.
Angie and Wyatt are in their late thirties. They have lived long enough to know themselves and know what they want and need to be happy. There is no need for self-discovery. There is no need to wait and see. This story will take you on a beautiful bumpy ride. The two main characters made me laugh so many times, but I also cried in many parts.
There is, however, a tremendous need to stay. And sometimes staying is the hardest thing to do, whether staying in one place or staying true to yourself and the one you love.
While reading/ listening to the story, I felt that I am reading something based on a real-life, very relatable story that you can easily get lost in.
What starts as an angsty but lighthearted romance quickly becomes an epic one in this story. Readers will easily fall in love with both Wyatt and Angie, and they will feel the chemistry from them oozing out of the pages. In the beginning, this romance is pretty slow-burning, but once it heats up, you will definitely find it blush-worthy and beautiful.
Corinne Michales is becoming one of my favorite authors. ( )
  AvigailRGRIL | Nov 3, 2020 |
4.6 stars

Sweet Lawd. The author made my heart hurt with this one holy cow. Wyatt was my dream man in Cowboy form. When he goes about wooing that delicious man goes ALL in. I can't wait to see what happens with the next delicious brother. ( )
  MagicalRi | Apr 15, 2019 |
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Corinne Michaelsauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Webber, ZacharyNarrateurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé

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Fiction. Romance. HTML:

From New York Times Bestseller, Corinne Michaels, comes a new friends to lovers standalone romance.

There's no way I'll fall for Wyatt Hennington.

He can keep his Southern drawl, irresistible smile, and those pick-up lines all to himself. I made the mistake of sleeping with him not once, but twice. I'm not stupid enough to give him round three, especially after he left me in the middle of the night so I could see myself out. I vow to return to Philadelphia and forget him.

It proves easier said than done.

When the doctor informs me I'm the winner of door prize number two, I put my life on hold and head back to Bell Buckle. Three months and if we can't make this work, I'm gone.

The problem is—when the cards are stacked against us, and I can't bring myself to leave him, I'll finally know if he truly loves me or if all my fears were real . . .

Author's Note: This book may contain sensitive subject matter and is recommended for readers 17+ only. For possible CW's please check the author's website.


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