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The life of J.D. Ã…kerblad : Egyptian decipherment and orientalism in revolutionary times

par Fredrik Thomasson

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Johan David©kerblad (1763 ?1819) contributed to the decipherment of Egyptian hieroglyphs and Demotic and is known as a predecessor of Jean-Fran©?ois Champollion. This intellectual biography offers a new and less heroic interpretation of the first reading of the Egyptian scripts.©kerblad, an exceptional linguist, was a diplomat and orientalist who spent several decades living in the Ottoman Empire, France and Italy. Of humble birth, he was a supporter of the French Revolution ? something that stymied his career. His life cannot be understood in a purely Swedish national framework, and this study firmly situates him as an international scholar. The book discusses European expansion in the Eastern Mediterranean during the tumultuous decades around the year 1800, and traces©kerblad ?s momentous life in relation to the debates on ?orientalism, ? the tradition of classical studies and the history of science.… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté parRailok, Bodoni

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Johan David©kerblad (1763 ?1819) contributed to the decipherment of Egyptian hieroglyphs and Demotic and is known as a predecessor of Jean-Fran©?ois Champollion. This intellectual biography offers a new and less heroic interpretation of the first reading of the Egyptian scripts.©kerblad, an exceptional linguist, was a diplomat and orientalist who spent several decades living in the Ottoman Empire, France and Italy. Of humble birth, he was a supporter of the French Revolution ? something that stymied his career. His life cannot be understood in a purely Swedish national framework, and this study firmly situates him as an international scholar. The book discusses European expansion in the Eastern Mediterranean during the tumultuous decades around the year 1800, and traces©kerblad ?s momentous life in relation to the debates on ?orientalism, ? the tradition of classical studies and the history of science.

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