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Forever Words: The Unknown Poems par Johnny…

Forever Words: The Unknown Poems (édition 2019)

par Johnny Cash (Auteur)

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1479187,597 (3.56)8
Fiction. Poetry. HTML:

A collection of never-before-published poems by Johnny Cash, edited and introduced by Pulitzer-prize winning poet Paul Muldoon with a foreword by John Carter Cash. Illustrated with facsimile reproductions of Cash's own handwritten pages.

Since his first recordings in 1955, Johnny Cash was an icon in the music world. In this collection of poems and song lyrics that have never been published before, we see the world through his eyes and view his reflection on his own interior reality, his frailties and his strengths alike. In his hallmark voice, he pens verses about love, pain, freedom, and mortality, and expresses insights on culture, his family, his fame, even Christmas. Forever Words confirms Johnny Cash as a brilliant and singular American literary figure. His music is a part of our collective history, and here the depth of his artistry and talent become even more evident.

.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Forever Words: The Unknown Poems
Auteurs:Johnny Cash (Auteur)
Info:Plume (2019), Edition: Reprint, 144 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque, Have Read, 2023

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Forever Words: The Unknown Poems par Johnny Cash


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The poems collected in Forever Words are gems by Johnny Cash. Not particularly because they are good poems per se but because they allow the fan into the mind of Cash. I honestly view these poems as lyrical sketches as the poems felt song like in the way they use rhyme and rhythm so deftly. If viewed as lyrics, these song-poems are successful. Mostly about love, and a few dealing with history, perhaps the most poignant song poem in this collection is I Heard on the News, which deals with the Vietnam War. Additionally, I Wish You a Merry Christmas is quite a hoot:

I Wish You a Merry Christmas

I send you best wishes too

For a long migraine headache

A hysterectomy on Christmas Eve

And a bathroom full of snakes

( )
  ryantlaferney87 | Dec 8, 2023 |
Despite the narrator's dull voice, this book of poems is a nice collection. I had to restart the book a few times because the voice was ( )
  ennuiprayer | Jan 14, 2022 |
Johnny Cash is a man who needs little introduction. Even in my "only Rock and Roll" youth on the east side of Cleveland, I knew who Johnny Cash was and could instantly recognize his voice on the radio. I didn't know much about the man. He had that Christian front and an outlaw image. Forever Words starts with an introduction that covers nearly one-third of the book. His outlaw image really worked as the man in black and also as a man who never served a day in prison. He read and re-read the The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire and the Bible. Christianity was more than just a front. He also wrote a novel called The Man in White about the struggles of early church leader Paul (Saul of Tarsus).

The poetry is accompanied by photos of handwritten poems. Reading the poetry was easy. The language is plain and simple and covers easily understandable topics. The one problem I had, if it can be considered a problem, was reading the poems as lyrics in a voice that sounded deep and baritone in my mind. It's hard not read the poems in that distinctive voice. It is country music poetry more so than Patti Smith or Jim Morrison is rock poetry.

There is humor in some of the poems such as trying to get his wife to wake up by telling what the president is doing or a call to go dove hunting. She is unresponsive to both so he tells her that Roy Rogers and Dale broke up and the next thing he hears is her running to hear the news. He shows his understanding of history with a poem about Tecumseh and religion with a poem on Job. The poems date from the 1940s through the 1980s and although very similar in style the topics cover a great range. I very good collection with an excellent introduction. ( )
  evil_cyclist | Mar 16, 2020 |
I'm torn. On the one hand, I'm a Johnny Cash superfan, owning more than 70 of his albums. On the other hand, I really don't have much use for poetry. I would have liked some of these as songs, but as written verse, I'm mostly underwhelmed. That being said, there were a few really good pieces, including "Going, Going, Gone," "I Heard on the News," and "Room 1702." So when in doubt, go for the middle of the road: 3 stars. ( )
  villemezbrown | Jul 28, 2018 |
Forever Words is a wonderful collection of almost lost treasure. Johnny Cash has been an icon in the music industry since the 1950s. This book contains a poems, song lyrics and handwritten letters that the world has yet to see. They are being published for the very first time in “Forever Words.”

Being a Johnny Cash fan myself, I was incredibly overjoyed by the prospect of this book. I read through the entire thing in the span of an hour. That being said, I’ll be thumbing through this book for years to come.

Cash’s thoughts speak volumes about how this man saw the world. While most of his life remains a mystery, there’s something to be said for the art that’s been memorialized between these pages. While I feel like I may know the man in black just a bit better, I’m left wishing for even more.

He will always remain a mystery to me but I thank his family for allowing these writings to be published. May Johnny Cash rest in paradise. Now go get yourself a copy of “Forever Words”.

Thank you to Edelweiss for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. ( )
  lenamaybooks | May 31, 2018 |
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Fiction. Poetry. HTML:

A collection of never-before-published poems by Johnny Cash, edited and introduced by Pulitzer-prize winning poet Paul Muldoon with a foreword by John Carter Cash. Illustrated with facsimile reproductions of Cash's own handwritten pages.

Since his first recordings in 1955, Johnny Cash was an icon in the music world. In this collection of poems and song lyrics that have never been published before, we see the world through his eyes and view his reflection on his own interior reality, his frailties and his strengths alike. In his hallmark voice, he pens verses about love, pain, freedom, and mortality, and expresses insights on culture, his family, his fame, even Christmas. Forever Words confirms Johnny Cash as a brilliant and singular American literary figure. His music is a part of our collective history, and here the depth of his artistry and talent become even more evident.


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