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Black Dahlia (Treasury of XXth Century…

Black Dahlia (Treasury of XXth Century Murder) (édition 2016)

par Rick Geary (Auteur)

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535502,248 (3.65)2
On January 15, 1947, a woman was walking with her daughter in a Los Angeles neighborhood. She passed what looked to be a discarded manikin. It turned out to be the body of Elizabeth Short: posed, drained of blood, meticulously scrubbed, and cut in two. From this point, Geary reconstitutes and reveals for us the life of this 22-year-old woman who had become known as "Black Dahlia" because of her striking appearance. How could her life have ended in such a ghastly fashion? Was it a jealous boyfriend, a rejected suitor, or one of LA's notorious mafia connections whom she had apparently been dabbling with? The case gets more complex when, days later, a local newspaper receives a cut-out letter from an anonymous "Black Dahlia Avenger" admitting to the crime.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Black Dahlia (Treasury of XXth Century Murder)
Auteurs:Rick Geary (Auteur)
Info:NBM Publishing (2016), 80 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque
Mots-clés:Reading for Information, Crime, Unsolved Crime, Hollywood, 516

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Black Dahlia (Treasury of XXth Century Murder) par Rick Geary


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5 sur 5
I've read just a few of Geary's graphics and they are meticulously researched. This is the case of Elizabeth Short, the Black Dahlia, who was found murdered and cut in two in Los Angeles in 1947. Elizabeth's family and childhood years, her years of waiting tables and dating soldiers are chronicled, and her multiple stays in L.A. in the hopes of becoming a movie star. There is the discovery of her body, and the investigation that had big holes in it, then the various suspects and accusations of police cover-ups.
I've read, listened to, and seen the case, not really studying it, so this book had several aspects I'd never heard of, such as Short's disapproving father briefly being a suspect. I also didn't know about the eventual shake-up in the L.A. police department. ( )
  mstrust | Feb 9, 2023 |
Interesting to read the true story of the Black Dahlia. Graphics were okay just like the story. ( )
  booklover3258 | Sep 18, 2021 |
Geary delivers with another panel illustrated book exploring true crime. This time he presents the facts and theories behind the death of the so-called "Black Dahlia." I had heard of this crime before but didn't know the details, so this was illuminating. Geary's black-and-white line drawings are on the basic side, but they get the job done. As the murder was never solved, readers who want a neat conclusion will be disappointed. Otherwise, this was an interesting and compelling read. ( )
  sweetiegherkin | Dec 26, 2018 |
Rick Geary does what he does, giving us a straightforward retelling of a crime committed long ago in his oddly detached and creepy style. ( )
  villemezbrown | Jul 28, 2018 |
Love Rick Geary! Since I was like, 5! Ugh, I can read his stuff forever. ( )
  Joanna.Oyzon | Apr 17, 2018 |
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On January 15, 1947, a woman was walking with her daughter in a Los Angeles neighborhood. She passed what looked to be a discarded manikin. It turned out to be the body of Elizabeth Short: posed, drained of blood, meticulously scrubbed, and cut in two. From this point, Geary reconstitutes and reveals for us the life of this 22-year-old woman who had become known as "Black Dahlia" because of her striking appearance. How could her life have ended in such a ghastly fashion? Was it a jealous boyfriend, a rejected suitor, or one of LA's notorious mafia connections whom she had apparently been dabbling with? The case gets more complex when, days later, a local newspaper receives a cut-out letter from an anonymous "Black Dahlia Avenger" admitting to the crime.

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