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A Tale of Two Besties: A Hello Giggles Novel

par Sophia Rossi

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Best friends. BFFs. Soul twinsies. Whatever you want to call them, Harper and Lily were born to be besties. With high school just around the corner, casual-cool Cali girl Harper and awkward, always-costumed Lily make sure to text each other all day, every day about their bond. Not even the threat of different high schools could throw this BFF-ship off course, even if Lily begs her parents not to send her to the 'dreaded Pathways,' a special school for creative types, while effortlessly popular Harper attends Beverly High with the rest of their class. But in a city where fitting in means standing out and there's nothing more uncool than being cool, it's the naturally charismatic Harper - with her blond hair and perfect bone structure - who finds herself fighting the tide of American Appareled teens who rule the school. Meanwhile, it's the perpetually 'gawkward' Lily - who accessorizes every ensemble with a pair of tattered fair wings - who finds herself flying alongside the queen bees of Pathways. Can BFF-ship survive the tidal wave of HS drama, or does growing up mean leaving some friends behind?… (plus d'informations)
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Best friends. BFFs. Soul twinsies. Whatever you want to call them, Harper and Lily were born to be besties. With high school just around the corner, casual-cool Cali girl Harper and awkward, always-costumed Lily make sure to text each other all day, every day about their bond. Not even the threat of different high schools could throw this BFF-ship off course, even if Lily begs her parents not to send her to the 'dreaded Pathways,' a special school for creative types, while effortlessly popular Harper attends Beverly High with the rest of their class. But in a city where fitting in means standing out and there's nothing more uncool than being cool, it's the naturally charismatic Harper - with her blond hair and perfect bone structure - who finds herself fighting the tide of American Appareled teens who rule the school. Meanwhile, it's the perpetually 'gawkward' Lily - who accessorizes every ensemble with a pair of tattered fair wings - who finds herself flying alongside the queen bees of Pathways. Can BFF-ship survive the tidal wave of HS drama, or does growing up mean leaving some friends behind?

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